I swear you used to be able to find clear or carbon fiber made markers everywhere for bugeyes, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. I picked up a set of the cf STi ones a couple of years ago from someone on the boards going back to stock. I thought they were an improvement over the amber, but I've never really been a fan of rocking the STi badge, plus just recently I ended up using some polishing compound that got on them and made them look kind of crappy. Now I'm thinking that I'd love to get a hold of a clear set and just smoke them, but I cannot find them anywhere. Ideas, help? Edit: I'm retarded, I totally forgot about the glory that is ebay. New question then. ANyone know anything about smoking lights?
Yeah, but I don't think tint film would work very well because I believe the side markers have texture, don't they? Haha, just to elaborate on my plight with finding these sidemarkers, I am just in general finding it discouraging that a lot of the main parts sites that I always browsed have a lot less bugeye parts than they used too.
Yeah, it's sad. Are you talking about your EDMs? I'd love a set of those eventually, but I can't justify spending that much on headlights when there are a lot of performance things still on my to do list.
Wait, so back to the side markers, now the question is, which ones do I go with? The kind of clear ones: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/_Car....c0.m245&_trkparms=72:543|65:12|39:1|240:1318 Or the completely clear ones: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Suba...ryZ33715QQihZ024QQitemZ370106510806QQtcZphoto I'm thinking completely clear would look better tinted, but what's everyone else's opinion?
I'm going with kind of clear...the crystal clear ones always screamed cheap aftermarket rice...but, if you are going to tint them, then it really doesn't matter. VHT makes a tint spray that is awesome. I highly recommend that stuff. I think I got mine from J.C. Whitney