Scott has been very excited for me to join the community as Siegel Raising so that I could announce that we are having a baby! "We" are 18 weeks and due June 11. We will find out if it's a boy or a girl in two weeks. Scott is sure that the baby was shifting gears in the second ultrasound. Ashley Siegel
Man I feel some serious photochopping coming this way. Congrats on the little one. Life is much more fun with kids.
Congrats to the both of you! Yes yes get some sleep now the first three weeks are a killer but it gets much easier thereafter. Let us know where you guys are registered.
Congrats Scott and Ashley! Since Will and ashley couldn't hold out with Charlotte, can you have the rugrat on the 16th??
LOL. Both my dad and Doug are 6/15, so they're hoping for that. I think Ashley is gonna be hoping for 6/1 Siegel
If Ashley is hoping for 6/1 then Scott will be hoping for 6/1 as well :rofl: Those last few weeks before birth are trying for everybody involved.
very true.. I have not had a good night sleep in 3 years.. :wtc: congratz Scott and Ashley! thats awesome news.
lol that would be fun. Ashley is in excellent shape she will go over. Put me on 6-18. Due on the 11th 6th day over report to hosp. for induction have it the next day on the 17th Dr. Rick
We're waiting to really work on the name until we find out if it's a boy or a girl. I really like Riley for either... Siegel
With a name ending with Siegel I can't think of a car related acronym. WJM's was super easy (CAM was his baby's initials I believe).
Hmmmm I bet the Mrs. is gonna make SS do something about that insanely loud Miata. Can't have it waking up the baby! LOL