Probable SR Driver Education Clinic Tuesday February 24th Hey all, *PROBABLE* Next SRDEC is Tuesday February 24th. Standard deal, 6 students, 3 instructors, only 3 on track at a time. 9 hours at the track. Everything other than your car included; classroom materials, drinks, lunch, helmets, radios, pics and video. $400. $200 deposit required. First paid, first reserved Siegel
yea Seigel likes to kick it old him or txt him and then spend some time explaining who the hell you are.
damn guys were just asking about this less than a week ago and now they are no where to be found. If I wasnt down to one working subaru I would be witcha Scotty.
As I said in the other thread I am definitely down with a weekend event sometime this spring. Let's do it.
I don’t know how to put this but I’m kind of a big deal. People know me. I’m very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany. :coolugh:
I think we're gonna have to bump this to February. Track owner doesn't want to run again in February. Siegel
got my AP, ALK, race pads, harness bar, and now this... View attachment 2080 The best laid plans of mice and track rats... BTW - everyone walked away, I'm sporting some mild whiplash.
/threadjack :wtc::wtc::wtc::wtc::wtc::wtc: Glad everyone's okay The limiteds are dropping like flies...I feel your pain, I got mine back after 6 weeks and got hit in a parking lot...3rd accident with my car. First time I was hit in a parking lot: Second time a coworker decided to randomly stop in the road (sun was in his eyes), rolled into him at 5mph - $10,870 in dmg and 6 weeks in the shop): One week after above a friend clipped me while pulling out of a parking's small, but still:
5 mph!!! Holy crap - my impact was 30 mph and we look like we have the same damage!!! I'll let you hold the local record for LTD's with the most number of benders, that one I'm not interested in! Drive Safe TomF 2500's w/ giant trailer hitches suck a nut. Scott, checking into the new date as I am interested in this, but can't give a definitive answer as of yet.