Post up your Funny Subie-Related Questions, Phrases and encounters.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by dontcallitarex, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    There's one of these over on Nasioc, and I figure we needed one here.

    Lets face it, we all know that Subies are kind of oddball cars, and we've all gotten hilarious questions about our s00bs, found ourselves in funny situations because of them, or gotten some memorable reactions when people ask questions like "So how much power does that ricebox make?"

    Post 'em up! I'll start:

    A couple weeks ago I pulled up next to a very nice modified 04 wrx at a stoplight. The driver (I'm guessing the Dad) took a minute to notice me but his 4-5year old son in the back seat immediately started waving frantically at me with a huge smile on his face. It was beyond adorable.

    Also a female friend of mine gets in my car today so I can give her a lift to her next class on my way home. She's like "Aren't Subarus only for lesbians and hippies? (Classic..I know)" Then I start my car (in a parking garage). She was like :eek3:.

    "It sounds mean!"

    Followed by "whats that whistling?!"

    Now you go!
  2. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    most common?
    "Why would you put a fucking cupholder there?"
    "How many cylinders does this have" or "what size engine is this?"
    and then, specific to my car, "you know none of your gauges work, right?"
  3. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    "Where'd you get that fire from underneath that hood?"
    "Your car makes HOW MUCH HP?"
  4. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Buncha rednecks out at Lake Westpoint - "hey, i've never seen a kia like that"

    I've got too many stories from back in the day of me rolling around the southside scene surprising many RX-7s and 240s and even a few V8s back when my car was an automatic. So many of them were surprised at how they lost to an automatic wagon, made some decent change off a few of the races.

    A random 4th street hooker - "hey, your car looks like a RACECAR, wanna take me for a ride?"

    Or another time when I was driving down to my parents house when I look up in the rearview and see a silver civic hauling ass behind me to catch up and then I look up to see JL889 and friends hanging out windows to wave at me.
  5. awdlaunch132

    awdlaunch132 Member

    i just spend most of my time convincing people that my car is stock...especially in my area (aka south of the airport)

    them: whats with the hood scoop
    me: stock
    them: and the wing
    me: stock (and its just the wrx wing too!!)
    them: well then where did you get the wheels
    Me: same place i got the hoodscoop and the wing...STOCK

    so thats when i walk away becuase i am kind of a dick head :)

    The best time ever was when my car got towed at school (outstanding parking tickets lol) the officer didn't know what kind of car it was... so under make it said BLACK and model was STI
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2009
  6. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    my favorite "your car doesn't sound safe"
  7. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    ^^^ nice. :]

    mine has to be this weird encounter at my neighborhood Wendy's. I came thru the drivethru and this kid who was the incarnate of "Pat" from SNL was working the front window.

    He/she demands I do a burnout. I'm like "sorry, AWD, can't do standing burnout."

    His/her comeback, "ahh, I could do it, you just don't know how. I do it all the time in my Firebird."
  8. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Funny ones that I got

    "Do you ever drift this thing?"
    "How much did it cost you to make your interior blue like this?"
    "Thats a Mitsubishi right?" :squint:

    and while I was idling waiting for Danielle in a parking spot a guy about 4 parking spots down
    "Hey guy, do you mind turning off you car I got my baby sleeping and I dont want you to wake him up?"


    ^^That's the best one I have heard so far. I get the it's all stock interrogation a lot, and the do you drift question. The best thing I can remember is my fiance telling me how much she loves Mustangs and there is no way some rice rocket can compare. She comments that my car sounds like it actually has a motor in compared to the civics she has heard before. I pull out onto the highway and punch it; she gets a death grip and looks over at me with fear in her eyes, she said she has never been pushed into a seat like that by any mustang, so I asked her to marry me.
  10. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    I do not support anything you bring over from nastycock...especially; THIS!

    oh...the rednecks at work still want me to "Light 'em up!"
  11. jeb

    jeb Member

    I was hauling ass around the turn from bufford highway right before spring street with my friend in the passenger seat and she started yelling at me to slow down while smacking me on the arm. Great defense mechanism, makes it much safer
  12. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    What are those red things in your grill. Some type of cooling fans?
    I say yes if you look up close you can see them better.
    *at that time I hit the horn chirp on the alarm*

    No other questions asked :) with a friendly hella horn salute as I leave autozone.
  13. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    This was going well.

    At a meet one time:
    Guy with a 2005 STI: "Nice 08 STI!"
    Me: "Thanks man. Its a WRX though. She's my baby."
    STI Guy: "So is it still turbo?"
    Me: :unamused:

    Bump for more.

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