Just found this on slickdeals. Piloti Driving shoes for $30 from the the sportsmans guide. They have 3 styles in multiple colors. I just got 3 pairs for $99 shipped. Discount Hunting Gear, Discount Hunting Boots, Discount Shoes, Discount Ammunition, Discount Ammo, Discount Boots, Military Surplus, Outdoor Gear At the Sportsman's Guide
Ha...I found this and ordered another pair last last week, but I thought everyone liked puma's, so I didn't post it. Go figure. At least nobody has the green/white like I do.
Honestly, when i went to try some on. they were all bigger on me than most other shoes of that same size.
I'm gonna head up to Ross (where they had them at one point) to try a few pair on to see the fitment before I commit.
I got mine last week. Wearing a pair today for the first time. My feet hurt. Can't wait till they are broken in and comfortable.
good thing I switched my order and got a 1/2 size smaller, these run big. I have an extra set if anyone wants a pair of 10's blk/orange prototipo's
I went home at lunch to try on my pair. You are correct...the laces are too short. I have to take them out of the top hole to tie a good knot. Now my green/white ones have much longer laces...not sure what happened. I checked Pilotis website and they have an newer blue/black/white shoe. I can only assume these are close-outs as the interwebs have stated the older styles had short laces. http://www.lotustalk.com/forums/f68/puma-speedcat-vs-piloti-prototipo-50645/index2.html They also mention to contact Piloti and they will send out the correct laces. I already have an email in to them. :sx: :dunno
No problems with my strings...plenty long enough. EDIT Hey Matt I didn't know they made toddler size 12's for ya.
Julie told me she stopped at the Ross on 141 (by Northview HS), and they had lots of sizes in the Black/Yellow Prototipo for $20.
Ross rules. Thats were I get all of my shoes. Never spent more $25 on a pair of shoes since I've been going there.
Shoes are the one area where I will splurge. Life is too short to have uncomfortable shoes. I used to buy $40-60 dress shoes for work. They would wear out before the end of the year. Now I spend about $200-250 and they last me 2-3 years and look/feel great.