That's right, tomorrow...don't forget to set you clocks ahead for daylight savings (screw you 19th century farmers for making me loose an hour of sleep). I'm pretty sure Jeb's gonna flake and not show up tomorrow to 2-driver my car, so that means I'll have extra room for anybody who wants to show up and ride. If you're thinking about coming out, do it. Come find me, I'll be more than happy to give you a ride. They'll be a ton of other wrxatlanta peoples out, just look for the stickers :wiggle: See you guys bright and early tomorrow morning.
yup, I finished strong, 61.1...think I may have even taken my class (BSP). We'll have to see when the final results are listed. Had a blast, that was one of the best courses I've ever seen (minus the car eating potholes that emerged)
darn i wish i had known that it was rescheduled for yesterday... I was sitting on my ass bored as hell... Oh well, i really want to make out to the next event
man, when did 75° become dangerous? i got BURNED!!!! my best was 65.588. i pulled off a 64.066 +1 cone, damn it. but i'm really happy with the new RSB and new R-615s. my wife got in and killed it in the novice group. she had a 73.? clean run. Being her first time and this being the freakin' fastest course i've seen in 3 years, i'm a proud hubby. and now i have the thumbs up to spend some $$$ on the car. Woot Woot!! Who has a fatty FSB they want to get rid of? Seriously.