Thinking about a bike

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Jake, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    So I've already gotten a few opinions on this just curious what everyone else thinks. I've been wanting a bike for the last few years, but finances have always been holding me back. Technically they still are. But lately I've been thinking of another option. Just selling the L and all the accompanying parts for her and using the funds towards a good used bike (haven't decided on the exact bike yet, but probly a Suzuki or Honda for whatever monies I get). This would mean that the bike would be my only means of transportation. My thoughts are to do this now (or asap) and have a bike for the full riding season. The lower gas/maintence would perhaps net me enough savings that I could afford another car of some sort come October or whenever it gets too cold and rainy to ride. This also means I'd be stuck for any bad weather the summer may bring. However my roomate also happens to be my best friend and I could always borrow his truck or a family members vehicle in a pinch. My question is, if you were in my situation, having wanted a bike for a few years now would you do it?

    Thanks guys
  2. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    First if its going to be your only transportation don't do it, it will be come a major pain in the ass and you won't be able to borrow a car when you really need it. Simple task become not so much fun. For about 4 weeks I had a bike as my only transportation...basically the same situation you would be in and its not fun.

    Now with all that being said...get a bike. I really really love mine. I would however try and find a very cheap used car or truck and then get a nice used bike. If you haven't ridden before its kind of hard to get people to let you ride their bikes but its nice to ride a few different bikes and get a feel for them to see what you want. I've been really happy with my Motard while it may not be a speed machine I'm starting to get comfortable on it and I'm sliding it around a little now. I've ridden a couple of sport bikes and the position isn't that great and they aren't that fun to ride down sidewalks...err I mean run from the cops on...I mean ride around town.
  3. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    ^^^^^What he said. I thought about this when I went to college and I was talked out of it by everyone who had tried it. Its lame.

    But get one in addition to your car....and take the MSF course so you don't die.
  4. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah that's what I'm running into. Got a few friends with bikes that are starting to ride again, and it's really giving me the itch. But of course never having ridden, they don't trust me on their bikes. Hell, I don't trust me on their bikes.
  5. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    If you want to ride my Motard you are welcome to...if you crash it you might have to buy 200 bucks worth of plastic.
  6. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ha. I'll keep that in mind.
  7. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    What Matt said...Imagine next time you go anywhere and have to take something with you - like, the grocery store, at 11pm at night, in the rain.

    I love my bike (about to ride to work now), but I would NEVER have it as my only means of transportation.
  8. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    well groceries are split with my roomate so trips like that I would always be riding with him. It's just the daily commute that worries me. Idiots on the road, etc. I know I'm perfectly capable of learning to ride and riding well, it's the other people that scare me.
  9. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    I'll take you up on that...if the offer is available to me. :sx:
  10. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Sure just let me know when.

    Also keep in mind that if you are worried about idiots on the commute you can always take back roads.

    I generally avoid the highway if I can and it adds a lot of time to all my trips but I feel a lot better about my safety when I'm not on the highway.
  11. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    See, I'm the opposite. I prefer the freeway, but I'm comfortable on bikes. I grew up racing dirtbikes so I had about 7 good years of experience before I got my street bike. Racing side by side on dirt bikes gives me much more comfort on the street, even when I'm riding side-by-side w/ semis. I'm not so much worried about idiots on the highway as we're all generally moving the same speed. The stop and go shit and having people pull out in front of you all the time is what gets me...I'm always worried someone is going to rear-end me while I'm sitting at a light.

    If you're not familiar w/ bikes, I would STRONGLY recommend taking a riding course. Harley Davidson offers an EXCEPTIONAL one, even though it's kinda pricey (~$3-400, I think). However, if you're new to bikes, this WILL save your life. After you take the course, you also qualify for insurance discounts and you don't have to take a license course at the just show them your completion certificate and you get your license. BTW, the bike license test, while easy, is only easy if you're comfortable on a bike. If you've never ridden before, you will fail. It requires quick thinking, control, steady speed while making maneuvers (so you can't look down at your speedo), as well as the written portion you need to pass.

    Sorry for the long windedness, but it's all very valuable information. You're more than welcome to ride my bike, but it's completely different than Matt's. It's a lot heavier, and A LOT more torquey. My bike doesn't like putting around, you need to stay on throttle or clutch.

    Edit: Also, I would make sure and invest in some good's the only thing separating your ass from the asphalt if you have to bail at any speed. I spent over $600 on just my gear...might want to keep that in mind when you're talking about costs.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  12. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Jakey Jakey, don't make a big mistakey.

    If you sell the L, at least get a POS beater for around $1k (or less) that A) runs and drives, B) easy to fix, and C) cheap to insure.

    With the bike, please be safe. Take a class or two if you need to, and respect those 2 wheels.

    good luck!
  13. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    I've already told you what I thought about this. I think you should just think it all through and decide what's best for you. Having a bike has its perks but.....:sx:
  14. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Youre too short

  15. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

  16. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah i plan on taking the safety courses guys. there is also a possibility that i may be taking a job offer back home which means i would have the parents cars as back-ups.

    i rarely take the interstate unless im late to get somewhere. i prefer the back roads, plus there are some good roads around here.

    thanks for all the input guys.
  17. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    and too jewish AMIRITE?
  18. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

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