job hunt...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by 98skuby, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. 98skuby

    98skuby New Member

    i am moving to atl soon - May or later all depending on a job.
    when should i start puting my resume out for jobs
    and when should i tell my old job i am leaving. i can't have much gap in paychecks.
    i am a master ase certified volvo tech if that helps.

    thanks james
  2. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    in this economy that is a real tough decision! May just be my opinion but can you not stick it out at your job until something positive in the economy shows.. Just my opinion!
  3. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    said he is moving to atl so may not have a choice to stick it out???? good luck though on the job hunt... i would say do applications as soon as possible with the way things are it could take a while...
  4. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Start submitting your resume now. Keep your job as long as you can. I would think it is better to leave your current job with no notice and a new job to go to here in Atlanta, then to let your current job know you will be leaving soon, with no prospect to look forward to.

    This economy sucks, and I feel for anyone that is looking for a job right now. Good luck.
  5. Yeah, best choice. Stick it out as long as you can, you never know how long you will be without a job. Dont know what your situation is currently but I wish you luck....

    Just so we know, what kind of work are you looking for?

    Where abouts in Atlanta are you moving to?
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    2 weeks notice is standard
  7. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Send resumes/apps now. Follow-up call 3 days after submission.

    Show interest and pester. If you don't, someone else will.
  8. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    I've been job hunting since November.....

    Good luck. It's really tough when you're looking for a specific job in a specific field. And not just any job.
  9. Very true, have a few friends that had to settle for jobs way out of there field to just get some money in.
  10. 98skuby

    98skuby New Member

    well i am a master ase volvo tech. so i be looking at a volvo dealer first and then other dealers. i would be moving to the douglasville area, unless the job is too far.
    but my plan is in early april to tell my current job i be leaving sometime after may 15 (my wife's school is done then). then after i tell my current job, i will put my resume's out to the dealers (and follow up). how should i get my resume's up there? mail? email?

    thanks for the info and opinions i don't care if they are good or bad.

    edit:oh and i have no choice to move, we are moving into my in-laws house to help take care of her. i love my in-laws by they way, and that means no rent or morgage)
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  11. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    get a job first, THEN tell your current job.
  12. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    And try to get your resume out there ASAP. it will most likely be that long before you hear back something. So don't wait till mid april to send out resume.
  13. Yeah, 2 weeks notice is the standard but I am aware of several dealerships that let you go on the day that you give your notice.I would wait until right before.It dopes not seem to matter here in ATL.
  14. 98skuby

    98skuby New Member

    well out of respect to my dealer now i am waiting for my shop forman to get back from a week long vacation.
    thank you for all your opinions. and i hope to see everyone at a meet one day.

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