Thanks Tray and Zen Motors

Discussion in 'Product & Service Reviews' started by G-Man04sti, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. G-Man04sti

    G-Man04sti Member

    Just wanted to take a moment to give a really Big Big TANK YOU to Tray, Dan and the other guys that made possible the install of a six puck sprung and a cobb short shifter on my STI :ddirty:. Tank You Tray for the excellent and unbeatable price and Dan for treating the customers like they deserve. Thank You guys!!! +100 to Zen Motors.
  2. ZenMotors

    ZenMotors Member


    We appreciate the business, and the Opportunity working on your vehicle. If there is anything else you need let me know!!!

    PS. I have my quote saved for your Rotated kit! :eek:hnoes::naughty:

    Take care!
  3. G-Man04sti

    G-Man04sti Member

  4. ggpis3

    ggpis3 New Member

    ^^ it was good meeting you. looking forward to your next install :p

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