Is that the best you've got?! oooo... Ouch... I thought Gingers were supposed to be extra cunning and shifty?
I was thinking about going up there about 4:30 or so, just so we can get a table and not wait too long. Oh and I got Cake mmmmmmmm:wiggle:
Interesting group we are going to have here :naughty: we need a fill in the blanks story going...... and NO you shouldn't bann me:keke: i'm innocent
I was thinking more like this: slowmustang wears sweaters in july whilst riding his moped with sugartits and her strapon. They met mr. 45 year old while he was drinking a budweiser and driving a slow'd wagon. Afterwards, they all were like drunk dialing paparazzi calling chuck norris 15338552974193 times