
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Mark/Space, May 24, 2009.

  1. Mark/Space

    Mark/Space New Member

    What's up everyone!? Just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the community. I bought an 07 STI in November and been in love with it since. I'm not a gearhead nor do I normally work on my own car, but I want to start so I figured this is a good place. I'm mechanically inclined, just don't have the tools or time to work on ma baby. Which should be changing hopefully. So I may not be able to add much to the discussion but will def be learning! I first wanted to start changing my own oil since 1) it's costly 2) it will get me more in touch with my car and how it works. I found this post regarding an oil from Renewable Lubricants. It's a veggie-based oil. Yeah, I'm a tree hugger. It doesn't look like it's available locally but Grainger is a distro so I was going to contact them and see if they can order sans shipping costs. (Which are crazy expensive due to weight. 1 gallon = $34 minus shipping, with shipping = $50) I'll post again if I make any headway. http://www.iwsti.com/forums/2280969-post50.html Other than the oil, I'll slowly be adding mods, trying to do what I can. Like brake pads, brake lines. I'm also on the SoloAtlanta forum and recently tried autox. yum. I would consider this a second "hobby" as my first hobby, which is actually a second-job-trying-to-be-my-primary-job, is as a music producer/audio engineer. I own a studio in Marietta and create music for artists and record bands. I also play in several bands which takes up most of my non-work time. Any other members into music let me know! On that note too, the stock stereo in my STI BLOWS!!! I usually find myself listening to the car/engine over the crap-ass stereo. I guess I didn't buy an STI to listen to the 'jams'. Kind regards to all, mark/space (ones and zeros)
  2. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    welcome mark!! Great into!! If there is one place with plenty of mechanically inclined folks, it's here! I just don't happen to be one of them! But I am into music. Haha. Sounds like you have a great thing going! Look forward to meeting you at some of the future meets! Best of luck with the car!
  3. EJRex

    EJRex Member

    Welcome to the site :)
  4. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    Welcome aboard!
  5. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    ---->ENTER<----- is an awesome key I like to use to separate series of sentences into paragraphs.
    Welcoem aboard
  6. Letum001

    Letum001 Member

    ^^^ HAHA. Btw, welcome to the site my friend.
  7. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Welcome to the boards man! in my neck of the woods :wavey:
  8. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member


    Does not compute; Welcome :wavey:
  9. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    welcome aboard
  10. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Welcome aboard!
  11. Mark/Space

    Mark/Space New Member

    Thanks all. Yeah, I see I lost my formatting. I got logged out while writing it and copy/pasted it after i logged back in, so I must have gotten lost that way. I'm a stickler for all things proper. "Entroducing" was the title of DJ Shadows debut record. Just a hint at my music side.
  12. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    what is this shit, the USS WRXatlanta? :unamused:
  13. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member


    welcome to the board
  14. Meredith

    Meredith Banned


    FYI the chem e inside of me says "no" to those lubricants. While the oil itself is veggie based it doesn't say what the additives are. Wanna bet those additives are *green*? Also regardless of what your engine oil is, I would not pour it on anybody's lawn. The oil has been in your engine helping it stay lubricated and most like in the process absorbing yuckie stuff from the combustion process and gasoline. I would not want people dumping their used oil on anybody's lawn period nomatter how *green* it is.

    I'd imagine you would have to get rid of it just like regular oil, therefore I don't quite see it as "biodegradable" either.
  15. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Welcome! Did you do the autoX school??? I talked to someone there, but I thought his name was Scott.... but he had an '07 that he bought recently, so...?

    And I'd recommend a fully synthetic and then recycle it when you're done. That's about as "green" as you can get and not harm your car. Just saying...
  16. Jake

    Jake Active Member

  17. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Play on words...I guess a little to subtle for ya huh?
  18. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    pretty big stretch, but whatever.
  19. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    Nicad is a little slow, gotta excuse him. It's from making Duff beer all day long. :p
  20. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    hey you should get a job with UPS. wouldn't even need a uniform
  21. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    you're a great American
  22. Mark/Space

    Mark/Space New Member

    MMMtasty, yeah that was me. Mark/Space is my "superhero" name as we call it. Scott is my "government" name. haha. mark/space is the old-school way of representing ones and zeros, before we called it 'digital'. It works for a music producers' moniker.
    In terms of the oil I was not planning on ridding of it any other way than usual oil, just trying to get off the petrol "tit". I figured since is conforms to the same standards as all other synthetic oil it would be safe. Also taking in to consideration the post I linked and the data from the manufacture. But I can't find it locally and shipping brings it up to $14/quart so that pretty much throws that out. Back to the oil tit it is!
  23. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    There are some good quality synthetics that are ester based. Think that is pretty darn close and some say is a better oil.

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