Grossest movie ever?

Discussion in 'Movie Reviews' started by SonicBoom, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Biggis

    Biggis Member

    The ONLY movie that made me want to vomit. Seriously. The poor turtle in that movie, the girl on the "pole position" and the end scene made me realize that some things cannot be unseen.
  2. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member


    I didn't want to suggest the movie because of all the courtroom drama, but that girl scared the crap out of me with her facial and body contortions. Yikes, for real.
  3. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    This... I didn't make it all the way thru that one. I burned it, and plan to try to get thru it.. but, its pretty unnessesary and gross. The animal torture is uncalled for.. The only thing I think is cool about it is that when it was released, everyone thought the whole thing was real, and that the cast actually died during filming... with the director actually facing charges for it (that didn't stick, obviously).
  4. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Just checked out your site.. added a few reviews of my own :) Couldn't fully check it out(at work)... I'll investigate further at home.
  5. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    Rock on. Thanks for checking out the site. Tell your friends!

    So that this is on topic for the thread, maybe we'll try to review 13 Going On 30, because Jennifer Garner is gross.
  6. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

  7. dtredwing14

    dtredwing14 Member

    Manos "Hands of Fate" is scary because of how bad it is. Just the thought of watching it again makes me cringe in fear. I am proud to say that I have sat through it in it's entirety.
    On a more serious note Poltergeist 3 had me scared of mirrors for awhile. Might have been because I was 5 or 6 when I saw it. Haha mom made me watch it when it came out. I haven't watched it since. Hellraiser films were gory for the time. Clive Barker has a sick/weird imagination when it comes to the macabre. I've read some of his books and they blow Hellraiser away.
  8. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^ Never seen Hands of Fate, I'll put it in the queue... As far as Poltergeist 3, that movie was pretty bad, especially since the 1st one was so awesome. Funny you mentioned being little when you saw it.. My parents took me to a Poltergeist / American Wherewolf in London double feature when I was 8. Didn't sleep for weeks! Also loved the Hellraiser series....
  9. Tireboi

    Tireboi Member

    i think the movie that has shunded me for life is teeth
  10. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^ Lol... yeah, that film was disturbing... More just imaging that happening to you, than the actual imagery. Interesting concept for a movie though.
  11. Tireboi

    Tireboi Member

    indeed i must say the whole time i was watching it i was in 'turtle mode'
  12. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    SUSPIRIA - 1977 Ok.. gonna throw this review in here.. as it doesn't warrant its own thread... I saw this film in Brvo's top 100 scariest movie moments and was intrigued. The director of this film (Dario Argento) is raved about.. and this movie is often refered to as "The scariest movie of all time"...
    Well.... its not. This film is absolute drival. Plot(this is really all it is): American girl goes to a dance school in Germany, only to find out its a dance school/coven of witches.. stubles upon lead bad gal, accidently kills her.. movie over. The plot is weak.. I'm talking REALLY weak. The acting is bad.. well, I'm not sure if its the actors or the dialogue their forced to speak. The soundtrack, which is also RAVED about.. with comments like "Best movie soundtrack ever" is complete crap. Its a lot of heavy breathing along with someone saying "WITCH, Witch, witch". Its really loud, and played thru virtually the whole movie, nonstop. The only good thing I can say is the set design and location were really nice... And I can see where the artsy types talk about the use of colors(green, red, yellow, blue). The gore is not bad for its time.
    Now, upon reading the Netflix reviews, I'm told the copy from Netflix is REALLY poor, like it was dubbed from a VHS tape.. really killing the mood of the film. This may of had some influence on my review.. as the music was really loud, and the dialogue was really low... and the dubbing was awful. I can't really give this movie any sort of a pass for being "dated" either.. as The Exorcism, Texas Chainsaw, Halloween etc... came out at the same time and kick this movies ass...
    Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?? I have a really hard time believing it really is awesome... and I "just don't get it"......
  13. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    I saw this, and I've watched many many other Dario Argento films in an attempt to appreciate his work, but I really haven't been able to. I think the most enjoyment I get from Suspiria is when I listen to RJD2's song Weatherpeople. He pretty much lifts the theme and adds some beats and a little demon-like growl singing along to the song. I shared it with my horror movie obsessed sister the other day and it freaked her out pretty good. It was honestly scarier listening to it in the Subie that one time than it ever had been before, so if you check it out I suggest you listen in your car.

    One of my favorite things that my fianceé has ever told me is that she respects that I know I'm supposed to like Argento, and that I try really hard, but that he's just not that good. It's always nice to get a little something for the effort.

    I think in its time the movie was a bit freakier, though. I think all the bugs and makeup effects were more cutting edge when the film came out and it had more shock value, but now it's got nothing.
  14. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^ Was hoping you'd chime in on this... thats what I'm saying.. I'm supposed to like it, but can't. Like I said, I really don't feal it sucks because its dated. It sucks because well... it sucks. The gore was pretty decent for the time.. but, movies that came out at the same time accomplished more with less. I think I'd give it another chance if someone had a better release... The copy I got from Netflix was the worst. The music was really loud, and the talking was really soft. You spend more time adjusting the volume than watching the film....

    Have you attempted Argento's other offerings? If I hated this, should I bother with Inferno, Mother of Tears, Deep Red??? Not familiar with RJD2.. have to research..
  15. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    Yeah, I've watched a few of his other movies, but I'm having some trouble remembering them all right now. According to a quick scan of my Netflix history I saw Inferno (which I think may have had a pretty creepy intro, but I could be thinking of something else) and Phenomena, starring a very young Jennifer Connelly. Inferno must have taken a sharp downturn after the creepy intro, because I gave it two stars on Netflix, and I don't normally do that unless I really couldn't stand to watch something. Phenomena was a bit better, but was largely the same as Suspiria, meaning same story, same setting, etc.. It was well done enough, but the thing with Jennifer being able to talk to bugs and find murdered bodies wasn't enough for me.

    I tried to watch one of his Masters of Horror things (available to watch instantly) and it was just awful. I had more of a WTF feeling than I normally do, even when watching a David Lynch film, and he really brings out my WTF reaction. It's not creepy like David, just stupid.

    I think the sound may not have just been a bad transfer on Suspiria. Historically (think The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly) Italian film sound editing is terrible. Beyond terrible even. Terrible to the point that there's no such thing as quiet on the set because everything will be overdubbed anyway. I'd like to give "the scariest movie ever" some more credit, but it just doesn't deserve it.

    PM me your email and I'll send you that RJ song. It's not his strongest work, but worth listening to for these purposes.
  16. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^I too tried a few masters of horror offerings.. One Alex recommended "Imprint" was especially terrible. Unfortunately.... There are fewer and fewer new releases worth a shit these days.. and it seems to be getting worse. I've resorted to trying old movies.. just in case I've missed something. This thread has been great at giving me a few gems I'd never heard of..and a few stinkers... But this is why I decided to give this "Master of Horror" a shot.. Horror just happens to be my favorite genre... Any suggestions out of the norm anyone can think of would be appreciated..
  17. yardhippie

    yardhippie Member

    FTMFW yo!!!

    Evil Dead

    Children of the Corn (cheesey King flick, but scared the shit out of me at 7 years old)

    not really scary now, as a kid yes: Creepshow

    the original Night of the Living Dead (Black and White)


    Not gore horrer, but creepy: Kalifornia
    Last edited: May 27, 2009
  18. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^ All good ones...
  19. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    the grossest movie I have ever seen involved 6 men, 1 woman, and 2 was German. Oh, and this japanese one with a chick, a blue tarp...nevermind.
  20. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    Now that I think of it I do remember seeing a still of an asian woman in a bathtub…

    I did watch Midnight Meat Train the other night, though. If you like Clive Barker it's definitely worth watching. If you don't like Clive Barker it's still worth watching, you'll just slap yourself in the forehead and say "duh" at the end of it. Vinnie Jones is freakin' harsh in that flick.

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