I hear people complain about 3G and dropped calls. I personally have never had one dropped call and have 3G signal damn near everywhere I go in Georgia.
really? consider yourself the luckiest man alive. today while driving up the interstate, my phone switched to edge 3 times. there is a deadspot in my neighborhood, and in many places of acworth and kennesaw I will just flat out get no signal. my georgia you must mean downtown atlanta. the 3g coverage is fucking laughable
you should see seamless switching from 3G to Edge, there are towers going up every day to increase the network. I live in Duluth, travel downtown, Alpharetta, Marietta, Lawrenceville, Winder, Commerce and never lose G network totally, I have one or the other. My grandmother lives in a podunk little town in NC I have 3G, my parents live in no where Virgina and I have good 3G there as well. I dropped more calls with Nokia phones on the Cingular network. Apple finally got their stuff together with the new chipset, they kept trying to blame the dropped calls on us, it was their cheap chipsets and software, 2.1 fixed a lot of the dropped calls we used to get called on.
I'll be switching from Verizon in a few months.. I cant get a signal in my apartment, my friend came over with an Iphone and had full strength.. Thats worth the switch by itself. I plan to get an I phone, but I'm not a tech head and wont use it for as much as you guys.. Would it be worth the extra money for me to get the 3gS, or do you guys think I'd be fine with the 3g????
may as well get the 3gs...The 3.0 mega pixel camera, video record and edit....and all the many more apps that will be available. I use the heck out of the Apps, on a daily basis. I only have the 3g but will probably upgrade when I get some extra $$$. That is just my .02..keep us updated with what you decide. Here is a 3g vs 3gs page.. CLICKY
i also say get the 3gs if you are buying new, however I am not going to upgrade to it from my 3g with such small differences/upgrades
^^ this. plus jailbreaking and using "questionable" sources for cydia (essentially free apps) is the only way to fly
hmm... I was leaning towards the S anyways.. Something inside really objects to buying old technology... I'm just wondering since I don't do too much with phones, if its worth the extra expense..
Well... like I said, I'm mostly switching for reception purposes. Wasn't really gonna get a data plan, but its looking like with my UPS discount, I can get the data plan and have a similar bill to my Verizon plan. Never used a phone for surfing etc, but it looks cool. I would probably used the Itune function for listening to music at the pool. I would use it to surf sites I cant get to while at work. I would probably use it for the GPS function if thats not too much of an upcharge. I text a lot, so that would be used frequently.. Some of the higher level functions you guys talk about (tethering, MMS), I have no idea what they are.. so I'm assuming thats not a requirement for me... I take pictures sometimes, but I'm not printing them or using them to post so a super duper camera isn't really needed....
Data plan is definitely worth it! I text all the time and surf the net, and e-mail quite frequently. MMS is sending pics through text messaging, something that the iphone has lacked since day one but will be offered soon through AT&T soon. The 1st gen 3g and 3gs both offer all these functions. You will have faster processor and be able to switch through apps quicker. The functions of the new camera just seem useful, 3 megapixel, video record and auto focus. Just do a search iphone 3g vs 3gs and see if the main differences sell you or not..
yeah, it all depends on what kinda deal AT&T will offer me... I need two phones(the other one doesn't need all the bells and whistles), approx 500 shared minutes and lots of texting... If I can get that with the data plan for under $100 with my discount its on. As far as the phone, I think the 3g 8gb is $99 and the 3gS 16gb is $199.. Pretty big price jump... I don't know.
Yup.. figured that one out.. at least its $24 with my discount instead of $30... Now if they weren't smoking crack on the text messaging prices, I'd feel a lot better....
Yep. That's AT&T for you. The hilarious part is that text messaging is almost free for the carrier. It's a hack built into gsm. Someone did a funny comparison of rates for sending the laughably small amount if data in a text. It was "cheaper" to send data to the space shuttle or sone nonsense. I especially love when the carriers all raised rates at the same time. The US gets buttraped on mobile plans and Internet access in general. Deregulation my ass.
Such crap.. I need like 800 texts total between my girlfriend and I. Soooo.... $5 for 200... nope $15 each for 1500 orrr.... $30 for unlimited for both phones. My plan is $50, texting is $30... Refuckingdiculous.. Verizon was the same way.
Here is my monthly bill Other Services 1. /450 ANYTIME MINS 06/02-07/01 .00 2. /5000 NIGHT/WKND MINS CTH 06/02-07/01 .00 3. /ANYTIME MIN ROLLOVER 06/02-07/01 .00 4. /INTERNATIONAL ROAMING 06/02-07/01 .00 5. /NATION GSM 06/02-07/01 .00 6. /UNLIMITED EXPANDED M2M-N/C 06/02-07/01 .00 7. 7PM-7AM NIGHT/WKNDS 06/02-07/01 8.99 8. AT&T NATIONWIDE TOLL FREE 06/02-07/01 .00 9. DATA PLAN IPHONE 06/02-07/01 30.00 10. EXPANDED INTL ROAM 06/02-07/01 .00 11. OFF-NETWORK ROAM 06/02-07/01 .00 12. STANDARD INTL DIAL 06/02-07/01 .00 13. VISUAL VM POSTPD 06/02-07/01 .00 Wireless Data 14. IPHONE TXT MSG UNL 06/02-07/01 20.00 15. MEDIA MAX UNL MNET 06/02-07/01 .00 TOTAL MONTHLY SERVICE 98.98 Total AT&T Wireless Services 105.27 and as you can see I use the hell outta text - 25. - Text Messaging Incoming 5749 26. - Text Messaging Outgoing 6137
This is the reason I did not get an Iphone for my wife and I. We pay $110 a month for both our phones through Sprint with unlimited everything. We both have Samsung Instincts and with her discount through her work, we couldn't pass up the deal. If ATT would come down on their plans, we would both have iphones.
Just get the original iPhone or 3G and unlock it. I have a T-Mobile SIM in my iPhone and it works great. Just upgraded to 3.0 over the weekend. Screw AT&T.