July 12th Mountain Run & BBQ

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by oneiguy, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    Updated 1st post with list and directions to wally world. Also a possible special guest.:sx:
    Also if you need my cell phone number shoot me a pm.
  2. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Is it Chuck Norris ?
  3. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    With the transmission dying a slow painful death I won't make the run. Doubt I'll have the parts in for the rebuild by the weekend so I'm out. But I may have the "Bastard Child" up and running so...
  4. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Get that truck up and running and driver OVER the mountain
  5. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    Dang don't wanna miss that truck moved from that spot in the shop!
  6. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

  7. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Should be able to turn the key Saturday or Sunday, a few little things to button up to be road worthy by weeks end. Think I may shoot video of my emissions test, think there might be some confused looks and entertaining questions to say the least.
  8. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    I don't see my name on the 1st page but I'll show up!
    My bet, didn't send a pm.!
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  9. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    I did a little "recce" today and I will be last in line.
  10. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I still plan on being there...
  11. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    Another note, lots of LEO's. It may have been because of it being the 4th, but I have a hunch that it wasn't all because of the 4th. Georgia has been cracking down on speeding on all roads as of late. I saw several of the local cops out but several GSP as well.

    I also assume someone has reserved an area at Vogel for us to cook out at. I drove by there and its a nice place to sit around and do nothing.

    I plan on showing. It's just an early wake up call for me on a Sunday to get up there by 9. :p I like to sleep in on Sunday. :coolugh:
  12. HoyaXC07

    HoyaXC07 New Member

    LEO's are hit and miss up there. Somedays they can be out in force but be absent the next. Look out for silver GSP charger, he's the one that'll get ya.
    Keep your fingers crossed they don't make it a hassle out of everything.
  13. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    Can't reserve spots. But we didn't have a problem last time.
  14. longfury

    longfury Active Member


    I will be at the end of the longest line. There is no way I can keep up with you guys. I was doing the speed limit across Wolf Pen Gap and scared myself.
  15. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    no worries. its all about enjoying your car and being safe.
  16. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Don't see giving the beginers any thing to keep up with ;)
  17. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    I will hang around the back.. just be sure not to leave me cause I will get lost... hehe

    SANDERS Member

    I'll stay back and hold your hand.LOL! I don't know where I'm going either. Bring Seigel with you.
  19. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    I know the route. I think I will be able to make it. If I make it and you don't mind following me(I am calling myself Captain Slow for this) then you can follow me around. Money is looking tight right now. It may keep me from going.
  20. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Scott... out on a Sunday... haha yeah right
  21. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Tell decker to come then... lol
  22. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Decker doesn't want none... no way his crap box could keep up on the mountains.

  23. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    haha... He'll be fine until he has to turn.
  24. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

  25. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    Any update on the special guest?!

    SANDERS Member

    I'll just have to call Ashley and ask if he can come out to play!
  27. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

  28. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    I think I know...and no...I'm not telling :keke:

  29. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    coooommmmmeee on!!!!!!!! :bowdown:
  30. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Unless a miracle happens, I'm out. Have lights, gas, but no fire yet for the bastard child.
  31. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    No word yet.
  32. Dante

    Dante Member

    I should be able to make this. Never done those roads, looking forward to it.

    Other than $5, driving shoes and a diet coke, what should I bring?
  33. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    your smiling face

    p.s. and some hott chicks
  34. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Everyone should bring radios if you got em.
  35. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    this too^^
  36. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Maybe I can retrive my long lost radio from who ever may have it :)
  37. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    I'm missing one too....
  38. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    Make sure and bring something to drink. Check your fluids.
  39. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Update, if anyone is staying at my cabin shoot me a PM, we will be up there from about 5pm on Friday till Monday, everyone is welcome but I think we are low on beds so bring a sleeping bag. Its about 15-25 minutes from the route. So access is easy, if you want to eat bring the meat...lol
  40. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I'm in for sure and Ill be on the Bike, Jack will be with me in the C6 Z06
  41. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    I have some OEM parts out of an 06 STI for sale, I can bring them with me if someone is interested.
    I know I should put this on the for sale forum but I need 25 posts before I can create a new thread.
    Let me know.
  42. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

  43. luvmyblue04sti

    luvmyblue04sti New Member

    I would like to come also. I am about 90% sure I can make it.
  44. UpSideDownDesi

    UpSideDownDesi Active Member

    i won't be able to make it, y'all have fun and be safe.
  45. ohmypearls

    ohmypearls Banned

    boyfriends gotta work, but I'm bringing one of my friends. :] not that anyone caresss
  46. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    My GF will be happy that there will be other girls to talk to... lol
  47. ohmypearls

    ohmypearls Banned

    I'm glad there's going to be some female population to, thank jeebus. :hsugh:
  48. ohmypearls

    ohmypearls Banned

    ohhh question... does anyone know abouts what time we would be getting done? I'm thinking of hitting up the square in dahlonega or the outlets after. Or even if it's in the afternoon I was considering running over to Helen to chill.
  49. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Well after the morning run, then there is lunch.

    I think there is going to be an afternoon group as well so you can choose if you want to take part in that or not.
  50. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    its up to you when you are done. who knows we could end up in helen.

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