I'm going to order some today so if anyone else wants them let me know and Ill get them all on my member number so we get free shipping etc...
I actually just got the Sebrings and so far love them. I do have to say that they (Piloti) pick some ugly ass color combinations.
anyone who wants them for sure just post up in here, I've got to go run some errands Ill probably place the order around 5 today.
except he'll have normal sized shoes and you'll have kids shoes. I didnt get those just cuz you have them
I have a set of Sebrings in red, very comfy. Unfortunately they are a little big on me, so I have only worn them...twice. #32s are ugly as shit, sorry This is a good chance to finally get a pair of new ones I suppose. Put me down for a 10.5 Sebring, Brown. Ill check the size of my other pair tonight to make sure that will work. Thanks,
I will give them a try sometime this year when I get by for my license plate. lol Maybe we need to work on the coupe this weekend. Matt do you need the money or you plan on treating us all.
I actually saw two different style's of Piloti's today at Ross for 19.99. Not sure which styles they were, but had a keychain with them and the little tag said they were nomex...
I found a pair in green, but not sure what the model is. Unfortunately, they were out of my size, so I couldn't buy them. I'm checking as many Ross stores as I can!
The Ross up here by me has the "32's" in blue/black ranging in sizes from 9-11.5 They look much better in person than they do online.