Every Tuesday get together with the WRXAtlanta bike crew for an urban assault ride downtown. The meeting place is going to be at Rocky Mountain Pizza by GA Tech The ride will start there and head down to Piedmont Park and back. We will probably keep the first couple of rides short (under 10 miles). There will be plenty of people of different levels so feel free to come no matter what skill level you are at. I highly recommend a blinky light or something for when it gets dark. Even a cheap headlight might be good. Don't show up in all black etc.... Meet time will be at 8:00pm at APB we will leave to ride at 8:30, I'm sure everyone is going to want to eat afterwards but we can discuss that later. First ride starts October 27th
Why APB? There's no parking outside there. We'd be better off meeting somewhere farther away from midtown. Oh well I'm less than 2 miles to APB so I'll just ride over anyways.
I just figured everyone could park on the street and ride to the shop. The neighborhood is pretty good there and I'm not that worried about my car getting broken into. Plus APB is pretty central to everywhere I used to ride. I'm open for changing it up later I just thought it was a good spot to start with.
Ride sounds great! I live just a few blocks away; I just would not leave anything desirable to the lower element to steal visible [GPS most freqently stolen by VaHi statistics]
Everyone get ready! I have been informed of said Tuesday night bike rides and will be there in full body spandex!!!! w00t! I have been waiting since the 80's to get back into my spandex and the time has finally arrived!
Dammit I only have a bmx bike, That would suck trying to keep up, maybe I'll pump up the tires in my dads roadbike and join sometime.
Shall I wear the pink or purple? Wear your sunglasses because it's the old skool shiny kind. Matt even bought me some spandex shorts with butt padding. True story.
Me and AWD_Tiger will be there. And spandex and butt padding are for wimps. Dickies and wife beaters FTW
Yes, any day if it is not raining like this. Too bad about tonite, yesterday was nearly perfect. If riding with skinny tires, make sure they are max inflation, pot holes = snake bite flats: not good
I'm pretty much good for any night. Everyone can just assume that if its raining its off. I don't mind the rain but my bike hates it.
Can a guy not post a feeler for a GTG in a GTG thread?? Only attempting to enlighten you all of an awesome place to play trivia and drink free beer... if you win. (plus its 2 min. from my house)
Maybe if you had worded it as, "Hey after the ride let's cruise over here for a beer" then Coolrex wouldn't have got his g-string pulled up a to tight. You know how it is, big turbo= big ego:fawk: