Tracy's Bullrun Premiere Party. Friday, Feb 12th, 2010. 5 Spot Atlanta.

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Tracy, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    Bullrun Party is canceled. Probably won't reschedule. Bummer. Both 5 spot and I agree it is not a good idea to have partying and drinking in weather like this. Thank you please drive around.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
  2. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

  3. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    Sweet! Can't wait to make a fool of myself :)
  4. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    gonna try and make it to this...
  5. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Awesome! Will try to make it out
  6. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    I hope y'all do. I will be in rare form and maybe nekkid by the end of it all.
  7. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    rare form???? i thought you always were?
  8. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I'll do what I can to make it we can finally be formally introduced to one another.
  9. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    Hrm. Never thought about that before. I guess I am kinda a crazy gal. It CAN get more crunk with alcohol and music though.

    2pt5RS word!
  10. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    Will we be able to hear the show, or will there be to much bass?
  11. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    Ha ha! The music doesn't start until 11 which is right after the show is over.
  12. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Damn, I love the 5spot and I love dub step. And I might be able to learn to love BG and Tracy, so I'm in. That place is going to be crowded as hell if all the fanbois show up.
  13. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    I also love the 5 Spot and know the owners. I also LOVE dubstep and know the DJ's. Obviously. That just means that you and I have more in common than you thought. So you SHOULD just go ahead and learn to love us :) it's inevitable.

    p.s. Dan used to be a battle DJ (that's why our name is Batlground) as well as a hard step DJ before we had the shop. We had a home studio with a sound booth for making beats and recording and we used to host parties here in Atlanta. Maybe we know each other from a different life and stuff.

  14. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    waaaayyyy past my bedtime! Happy Birthday and enjoy the spotlight.
  15. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    If you are under 33 (which is younger then me), you have no excuse!!!!!
  16. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    oh damn your that old... im out
  17. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    You'll be that old one day sweetheart and you better pray you look as good as me when you are :D
  18. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    bahaha... im just kidding on the age... figured that was a better excuse than damn work... cant make it so drink one for me!
  19. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Dang tracy! I pegged you fr 25-26!
  20. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    Immaturity is the fountain of youth apparently. Eureka! But thanks the kind words.
  21. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    I'm 32 going on 55
  22. 7wolf

    7wolf Member

    wish i could go, i'll still be in Afghanistan :(
  23. totsubo

    totsubo Member

    Were do we park?

    If it is on the street, then I will bring the Versa!!!
  24. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    :( I sawry.

    Park in the lot or on the street. It's Little 5 Points. You have to figure it out. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not :( I would bring the Versa.
  25. Tracy

    Tracy Member

  26. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    damn just realized the date of this....I've been planning a guys night out for that night.
  27. Tracy

    Tracy Member

  28. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    unless you want to move it to Mardis Gras. ;)

  29. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    nothx that is unless you are buying :D
  30. welery

    welery Member

    can i post on S2KAtl?
  31. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    Absolutely! Please feel free to spread the word! I want my party to be crunk. :banana::beer:
  32. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    Bump for my party tonight! Don't forget. You know you love Dubstep and me :D
  33. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    Bullrun Party is canceled. Probably won't reschedule. Bummer. Both 5 spot and I agree it is not a good idea to have partying and drinking in weather like this. Thank you please drive around.
  34. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    :( Sucks tracy!
  35. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    I am mostly sad that I have to wait to wear my new outfit!
  36. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    New spandex cycling outfit?

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