Saturday, we had to use drywall repair netting to get an oil filter off Marcus's car. Some 800lb. gorilla decided to put ALL his muscle into getting that filter on. It's not supposed to be that tight!! :rofl:
SUBARU told us that the filters will leak if they are not BOTTOMED OUT. :unamused: Fucking retards. SOA that is.
this was the only wrench they had...the filter in question is the TINY subaru filter that's 'not' supposed to be used.
plus, I wasn't the one doing the work...anyone who knows my roommate knows that he's a scrawny little punk...
I bet a retarded monkey could have gotten this off with ease next time just get the $250 greddy oil plate sandwich adapter
Maybe the mechanic used your hairgel instead of oil on the threads? Screwdriver and a hammer works for me on every car that isnt mine, or when I dont have a filter wrench handy.