Seriously though, I've been on this site a long time and have seen it go from a community of Subaru enthusiasts willing to help out if they can and share their a bunch a jerks that like to fight over who knows more than the who. And if you're not perceived as one of the "in-guys" you're treated like total crap. Don't get me wrong, you guys know your Subaru’s. The moderators on this site a most of the problem. Back when it was Alex and his friends this site was a much more respectable site. Now it's just a run of the mill internet forum where kids can be jerks to anyone they want.
Well, things have definitely changed over the years. And there are a lot more "active" moderators than there used to be.
Anyway, work day over and some of us don't sit on internet forums and drink all night. Talk to you tomorrow.
Not really a debate, more like a rant. I'm just tired of people being jerks just because they're behind a keyboard. It seems more and more common place on this forum, which used to be different than NASIOC, IWSTI, etc.
most of us are assholes in real life, too...and yeah, we'll call stupid to stupid's face I find it funny how the people who always bitch about this website going downhill have never been (well, in the last two years) to any of the cookouts, swap meets, g2g's and other events that make an online community facilitate into a real life friendship. If you're not in the 'in' group, it's because you don't come to anything...then act like a fucking moron on the internet and take it so seriously when you're called out why so serious?
I don't think I was called out for anything. And I don't come to events, anymore, because most of the people I've met there are assholes (as you stated).
Oh get over it. I've been pretty quiet on this issue for a long time, but I'm tired of seeing this bullshit thrown around. If you'd actually come to any wrxatl events in the past 3 years you might actually know some people and meet some pretty good friends. Even the accused "jerks" on this site are actually pretty nice and friendly and usually more than willing to help out. even me, who gets yelled at and called names for being a prick, asshole, troll, etc actually does things for the community. SHOCKING, I know. should have come to petit le mans the past few years. there was an open invitation, everyone was welcome to come hang out and have fun. I made pulled pork and provided food for anyone that showed up OUT OF MY OWN POCKET. but no, it's easier to sit back and complain about the good ol days while not even getting off your ass to do anything off the top of my head, all of us "jerks" have done numerous things: breel powdercoats things for next to nothing, installs parts, etc. I've hosted parties at my house, helped install eleventy billion parts on random peoples subarus, helped jason rochester install a hot water heater, etc. drew installs all kinds of crap at his house. shiring, stephen king, jason, jake (damn near everybody) helped install sean's (oneiguy) motor. I can't even remember all the kind and generous things all of us "assholes" have done for one another. 07ltd#767 drove two fucking hours to alabama to bring a part to jason so he could drive his car home. so please, get off the everyone is a jerk high horse. you basically have 4 guys that never post, never come to meets, never help on an install day, never put themselves out there to be a part of the community bitching about how things are "different". either come out and be a part of the community that you love to bitch about, or just get the fuck out. Everyone is sick of hearing it, and the people who actually build things, contribute and help others might take all their toys, knowledge and go home.
^^^ I really don't see what my involvement in the community has to do with anything. I contribute where I can but I'm not as knowledgable as most of you. And frankly I'm in a different place in my life than most of the people I have met at g2g's...but c'est le vie I'm not on a high horse. My one and only point is....Why when someone makes one comment that people think is stupid is it OK for people to start calling him inbred. People on this site used to be more tolerent than that.
it was 8 hours round trip, and i had to take a day off of work...can't have my online 'friends' paying for flatbeds back from little tally (which, coincidentally, I've had to do before...) Oh, and I helped with Sean's motor swap - i believe there's still some of my blood on his starter :wiggle:
because the people who complain the loudest have very little involvement in the community. and I'm not defending someone else's comments. take it up with them
^^^So one thread defending a friend of mine makes me a "loud complainer" that should "get the fuck out". I'm done with this. We are obviously not going to change each other's opinion.
:wavey: I do agree that the online bashing has been getting out of hand lately but you can't really complain about the community if you don't participate in it. I've made a lot of great friends through here and they have helped me out greatly over the years to the point I can't show enough gratification. The best advice I can give about not getting into online shit slinging bouts is just walk away because like whats already been mentioned, people's opinions obviously aren't going to get changed. It is entertaining though :drama:
Text doesn't carry much in the way of inference between the author and the reader. swhy we have emoticons to clear some ambiguity, and still misunderstand/get overly sensitive. but the whole 'contributing' thing also gets me lulzy. Is the only thing a car community needs are mechanics and racers? That accounts for maybe %20 of the board's membership. What fills up the rest of it? (other than complaints) There's bunches more ways to contribute. My only complaint is that there is no real G2G that go on the northwest anymore, and that I work Saturdays when all the weekend fun happens. Not that it matters much in the end, its not like any of you miss anything by not meeting me. :rofl: