Parents...Halloween question

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Matt, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Being that Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, there's apparently a huge debate on when to take your kids out trick-or-treating for halloween.

    Some people are saying tonight (WHY?) and other are saying keep with tradition and send them out tomorrow.

    I don't understand why they are thinking about sending them out tonight when there's going to be so many adult halloween parties and drunk people (hopefully not too many, be responsible people...) out on the roads.

    Tomorrow is the traditional day to trick-or-treat as it's the true 'holiday'. I've even heard these bullshit arguments:

    • Since it's Sunday, it's "technically" a school night and we don't want the kids out too late on a school night or all hopped up on sugar.
    Here's my argument for that. If Halloween falls on a Wednesday, are you going to wait until Saturday to send them out? Hell no! They'll go out on Wednesday, which is also a school night. Argument: invalid.

    • Sunday is considered the "Lord's Day" and Halloween is "Satan's Holiday".
    Uhhh no. If they knew their history properly, they would know that Halloween derived from a Christian Holiday: All Saint's Day. It also derives from a Gaelic holiday: Samhain, which roughly translates to "Summer's End" Argument: invalid.

    So what say you, WRXAtlanta parents (and non parents). Should people keep with tradition and go out tomorrow, or break tradition and go out tonight?
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  2. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    I'm taking mine out tonight and tomorrow. LOL!
  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; Droid Build/FRG22D) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    Uh. Since when do you have kids, Matt?
  4. slade1274

    slade1274 Member

    I think a couple came with the TL :p
  5. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I don't...but this is a discussion I've heard of for the past two weeks. For some reason, it bothers me that parents are trying to get their kids out tonight instead of tomorrow. :p

  6. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    I don't give out candy unless it's Oct. 31.
  7. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    We are going on Sunday
  8. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    You sir are a good parent!

    Also, I agree with Matt, Friday, Saturday near Halloween is for us adults, kids can get the actual 31st. PLus, most kids aren't (and probably shouldn't) be out that late, so the "it's a school night" is bs.

    As for the 2nd argument, the people who think that way don't let their kids read Harry Potter either, sooooo....
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  9. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah the last couple years that it fell in the middle of the week, the 'trick or treat night' got moved to friday because they didnt wanna do it in the middle of the school week. its all about school. think about it. bunch of kids hopped up on sugar way past their bed times when you have to get them up at 6am just to get them to school by 8am the next morning.
  10. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    so?? we did it like that for years. and I used to come home at 10 pm or later after trick-or-treating, and be fine for the next day.
  11. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    Well, we took them to a couple of parties dressed up...Today is the real trick or treat. 5pm is a good start. All my kids care about is dressing up and getting the candies. They'll only get a couple as a reward. I always put my kids to work...i.e. change the channel on the TV, clean up after themselves, get all my root beers from the fridge and all the good stuff I was taught by my old school parent. LOL!
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  12. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    I'm gonna go make some babies so I can participate in this.
  13. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    LOL! 1+1=3 or if you have twins it would be 4...Hhahaaahah!!!
  14. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    all the kids in my neighborhood have grown up, and no turnover has happened yet. I have no children coming by to frighten and give candy to...
  15. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    On second thought, I should get some more practice making babies first. Don't wanna get in over my head.
  16. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    just gonna keep pulling out, eh?
  17. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i would gander to say it has to do with the increasing sensitivity in society. just like teachers aren't allowed to properly discipline students, parents freak out about there kids getting into fights and want the other kid suspended immediately (instead of working things out the way they should be); not letting kids stay out late and get hopped up on sugar on a school night relates.
  18. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    we trick or treated tonight...not a big deal..let the kids have 2 pieces of candy and they went to bed just fine
  19. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I had people coming up to my door tonight -- wasn't home last night. But who the fuck rings your door bell at 10PM?
  20. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I gave out candy on Sunday night only. No one even came to my door on Sat. I would have given them a beer if they did because I was watching College Football. I think it is stupid to try and change the day to give out candy. What are these parents going to do for the next 5 years when Oct 31 falls on a school night?
  21. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    pussification of america. :|

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