All Subaru meet- Kennesaw 10/30/10

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by ohmypearls, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    gonna show up... is it wrong that i wont be in the subaru? lol

    if anyone sees a loud turbo del sol show up come say hi cause it me!
  2. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I'm headed up shortly.
  3. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    I'll be puttering my way north here in a minute.
  4. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    SoA lied. Paintless dent removal is $10 a panel. Still a good deal, but dont be surprised. Cash only.
  5. donpage

    donpage Member

    Headed that way.
  6. MeFryRice

    MeFryRice Member

    He did my right rear door and did a really good job!
  7. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    It was a good turn out. It was good to see some friendly faces since I haven't made it out to many meets this year after my car went down. Thanks to SOK for helping to put this on and I'm glad to see a lot of GR's out there, people are still buying and modding our cars.
  8. ohmypearls

    ohmypearls Banned

    It was great to see some familiar faces, and new ones at that. Thanks for coming out and supporting us guys & gals, we couldn't do it without your support. I had a really great time :)
  9. MeFryRice

    MeFryRice Member

    Double post. :/
  10. mayoke

    mayoke Member

    Didn't get to make it up. After I got the radiator put in, I was tasked with running around for some errands and some me + girl time.

    Ah well, maybe next time.
  11. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Wish I could have made it out. I heard there may be another in the spring.
  12. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Kind of surprised by the interest in the Justy, besides the Honduh TL it was the only non Impreza I saw up there.
  13. amonsta

    amonsta Member

    I showed up for a bit. Got some sti silly bands! lol I just missed the car show though. It was a decent turn out. Maybe even considering a new sti sedan! I've gotta sell mine first though. Anyone want a super high mileage sti in great condtion??? lol
  14. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    Great event-thanks for organizing it for us
  15. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    Wish I could have stay longer, but great turn out!
  16. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    sir, your del soul was quite loud
  17. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    What do you have under that hood? B18 sleeved block with Full-race, Lovefab or Peakboost turbo kit? Custom? Sounded real nice. Makes me miss my Si while I watch it in 1000 pieces in the garage. LOL!
  18. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    I'm gonna get yo stanky tail for that name tag you gave me....Fair***!!!! LOL! I kid I kid.
  19. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    April/Mayish from what the marketing guy told us. He wanted feedback for the next event. We told him a dyno day at one of the local shops or some sort of AutoXsing at Turnerfield along with the SCCA events would help promote the new STi or WRX. Kind of like the GM test drive that was done a few years ago.
  20. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    just as I showed up, they started breaking down signs...

    ...i went on to work...
  21. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    awesome meet, no free dent repair but cant complain for $10 per panel!
    can't wait for the april meet
  22. WRboXer

    WRboXer Active Member

    yeah the paintless dent removal was the kicker for me.
  23. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    There was such a long line for the dent removal I didn't get a chance to get mines popped out =(. Although Ill post up pictures later
  24. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    who was that black wagon that squeezed by my filthy gray 08 after your dent removal?
    nice driving :cool:
  25. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Thank you...that was me! :wavey:
  26. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    I thought it was green?
  27. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I didn't even know he had a wagon :rofl:
  28. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    Sorry if I missed your car! I showed up kinda late so I just took most if not all the cars that were there at the time. Nothing special, just took a couple snap shots before they broke everything down. It was a nice turn out. Glad to see you guys out there!




















    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  29. liltoua

    liltoua Member

  30. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Awesome. But goodness that white wagon is SLAMMED.
  31. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    weeeeeee there goes my car :)
  32. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    @liltua -- What filter is on the lens? Some of these photos have some interesting effects on the sky and the contrast is super upped :)
  33. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    There were no filters. I just shot with the kit lens (18-105mm). Some shots I edited it more than others. So if you see some shots more processed than the others...I photoshop it more than the others =)
  34. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Sweet. I think I saw you shooting--Nikon D200 maybe?. Got there a little late :)
  35. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    yea that was probably me LOL, I was the only one out there with a DSLR. It was a D90. Gonna sell it to my boss and get me the new D7000 =) can't wait
  36. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Hmm, did you have the battery mount on your camera? I remember it looking larger. Have you looked into the D300? :)
  37. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    Yea I had a battery mount to it that's why it looked bigger. Yea I looked into that too, but the D7000 just came out and they are rating it higher than the D300, and it's cheaper :)
  38. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Who is they? D300 is a BEAST.
  39. donpage

    donpage Member

    Nice pics liltoua! I especially like the one of my car :)
  40. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    Pretty good turnout! Tray and I had a fun time talking to some new faces. We also marveled at how boring driving a bone stock car really is. :)
  41. Durania

    Durania Member

    I would have came to this if I had a car worth showing up in at the time. Didn't think anyone wanted to see a 95 Outback wagon. I bought an 05 STi and wish it was this week now.
  42. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    Which one was yours?
  43. donpage

    donpage Member

    The Pearl White '07 STI
  44. ThAixGuYx2k7

    ThAixGuYx2k7 New Member

    Nice shots Toua! That was my first Subaru meet...and it was pretty fun. Good to meet a lot of you guys out there.
  45. subigrl

    subigrl Member

    i'm back- and I've got pictures!



















    more to follow...
  46. subigrl

    subigrl Member




    HAI friends!


    .. and the favorite scoobie

    If you didnt come to the meet, you missed out on all the free food and Subie gear


    teh winnars.


    osnap lookin super slim. hey who's that hottie walking up behind you?

    Dana quit mean muggin everyone

    Ohhh mano! I'm so glad you could be captured in this moment
  47. subigrl

    subigrl Member

    and that's all folks. Kinda disappointed there weren't more.. especially of some of our members cars!
  48. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    thanks for posting these!
  49. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    WTH, how did I get in that last picture? LOL! I should have won the "Supa Ugly" trophy for my subbie.
  50. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Which is yours?

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