Is WWIII about to start?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Cool_____, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

  2. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I do not understand why we have not killed that fucker yet. I mean is it really that hard to get a sniper in there to take his ass out. I know it wouldn't solve the problem but that little bastard is crazy.
  3. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    china might get a little upset if we kill him
  4. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    LOL Fuck China
  5. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    WWIII? no. Just the rest of the Korean War..
  6. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    it was a conflict...lawl
  7. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    That's what we said in 1951-3... and they proceeded to hand us our ass... One country I wouldn't fuck with.
  8. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    China has too large of an army for the US to take them on alone. Last I heard, the standing army for China is 3-4 million with at least that many in reserve. That does not count their navy or air force.

    Also, I think this is North Korea trying to get some concessions from the UN. At this point, I don't think they want to go to war.
  9. tolnep

    tolnep Member

    "Never get involved in a land war in Asia"
  10. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    thats because they have little, to no navy and/or air force. we could wipe those out in a day then carpet bomb the shit out of china, war over. that is, unless they bring out the nukes. then game over for everyone.

    and, they only killed 2 south koreans. south korea will get the picture and stop doing what they were telling them to do.
  11. There are many reasons why it is very unlikely.

    North Korea has many, many, many artillery aimed at various cities on SKorea. It seems like a situation of mutual destruction.

    The fall of the Nkorean regime (aka assassination) would cause a flood of refugees that no country could handle. Besides the fact most are brain would be hard to integrate them into society.

    Talking to my Korean friends, they just think their own country is a massive pussy that doesn't want anything bad to happen but will keep taking shit. Though its all they can really do without escalating this to a war...technically the war is still going on as North Korea simply agreed to an armistice.

    Honestly speaking I feel like China seems them as a play thing and only does so much with Nkorea....being Chinese, I feel like China doesn't want to risk a total world war. No one would benefit anything out of it.
  12. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    ^there's a name I haven't seen in a while...
  13. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    who gives a shit how big their army is. they can't mobilize it to attack anything. their navy and air force is a joke

    the US air superiority is so ridiculous that if we REALLY went out, it would be over in a matter of weeks.

    the problem is the nukes. they got em. we got bigger ones.

  14. I know China maintains a massive fleet of subs to counter America's naval superiority. I honestly think they are a massive threat (remember a couple of years where a Chinese sub popped up in the middle of an naval fleet next to the carrier?)


    I mean it was able to get that close shows the threat it posses..

    All I can say about their air force is....uh they have a lot of jets? ...yeah.

    /OT I surf the forums a lot, I rarely ever post anything... Getting ready to install modifications tomorrow!
  15. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    we have more fighter aircraft than their entire air force

    and you are correct with their submarine threat. it is scary because they are diesel electric boats, and our noisy (comparatively) 688 boats have a hard time detecting them
  16. I wonder if Russia has any chance against the American air force. I feel like they are best air force in terms of that area (excluding Europe). They do have relativity modern jets and two big producers (Sukhoi and MiG)....

    I say this since its likely Russians are selling some stuff to North Korea. Though its highly doubtful they even have enough to make any difference at all...
  17. DaveH

    DaveH Member

    They used to be close; 25 years ago. They are rebuilding a tattered relic of an air force now. How do they compare to the USAF? Technologically, they don't. At least not on any useful scale. For the most part, they are (technology-wise) behind the AFs of our AAA League - NATO, Israel, Saudi, Taiwan and Australia.
  18. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    China is also becoming more and more of a democracy every year. Though, they would NEVER admit it. They WILL be the world's largest economy if trends continue to happen the way they are. We already owe them BILLIONS. I highly doubt anything would happen between us and China, they got us where they want their pocket
  19. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    you silly pawns, it's Google who you should be worried about
  20. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    this is largely blown out of proportion. billions doesn't mean shit. the federal treasury system owns $5-6 trillion of our debt, with private sector owning ~1.2trillion.

    japan and china own about 800 billion each, with mutual funds coming in around 600 billion, pension funds around 600 billion, state and local governments @ 500 billion, et ad naseum

    what your hear about chinese democracy is largely a scam anyway, and it will be progressively harder for them when their prolonged currency manipulation imo
  21. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    You do know that's how WWI started.
  22. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    hahaha this is sooooo epic!
  23. b reel

    b reel Active Member

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