Rofl yeah. It was nice meeting those that I haven't met before, and nice seeing everyone else again. 2 weeks = my spring break so I'll be out to the next one, without having just 1 cup of 2.39 ice tea.
It was great meeting you guys. Definitely up for more meets in future. Crappy iPhone pic is crappy....
so after some research, i found that GTG and it was indeed 'furry', not 4runner or whatever some of us thought i still have no idea what it is that they are congregating for.
Must be a fancy word Peter learned in class tonight Great to see everyone. Awesome to see only Subaru's as well! Post #3? :| Also from their lovely forum...
No, no, he does. Go ahead and google image that shit. ROFL Also, where's your GR, Alex? In the 2nd picture?
Oh my bad. I actually don't know what NSFW content would show up. I just know what it is, but I didn't think it would be that graphic. Okay... Yeah. I just searched it. Myyyy bad.
You know what would've been funny was, if the 2 guys from F430 came out and sat at the furry table.... I think that would've made my night for quite awhile.
All I did was follow the link Pat posted and go from there...and promptly stopped my search after I found that animated image...
:clap: I can't decide if the furries were the weirdest part of the night, or if it was the squirrely gangly dude who was table hopping and sat next to Ball and AKaduck. I think he said he was just gonna start doing that and see if he could meet people.
Yah that guy was...ummm...interesting. However, I guess you have to give him credit for trying? Though there's probably a demotivational poster to say otherwise. Anyway, was great seeing everyone and meeting some new ppl on here. I'll see if I can take a look at the pics I shot around lunch and post some up.
Ok heres two shots i got..... wrxatlanta_dinnermeet (1 of 2) by thelucid1, on Flickr wrxatlanta_dinnermeet (2 of 2) by thelucid1, on Flickr
ffffffffffffffffUCK I should've just missed class... Missed a lot of fun stuff. Though the teacher did give us an important heads up about our midterms. What do you shoot with, Jeff (Geoff? GEFF??E!?!!)
lolwut. Out of town again? That's okay. I took the short shifter bushing that I know you probably desperately need, and I don't. Lulz jk. I don't even know what it was.
Couldnt go wide as he forgot his 12-24 Nikkor. If I had to guess this was a 30 something Nikkor...just don't remember.
Hey all, yah I was shooting with a nikon d300, and a nikkor 24-70 2.8 lens. Next time I think I'll try to remember to bring my 14-24 along as I ended up probably 20ish feet away from the cars to fit us all in. But way less lens distortion this way, so guess it's subjective
Nice, I probably wouldn't get too much use out of it for too long. I will finally be in the position to buy some custom pieces from you though!
i did, sorry, i thought it sent out to you but lost inet at work at that time, I'll resend right now. sorry about that
Ok, not going to be a furry anytime soon, but yum: (MostlySFW, unless your work hates hot ladies)
Moved this bit to the appropriate thread. This time for real. And Peter, as long as it ends with that costume on the floor I don't care how it starts. RAWR!