WE DID IT! we won the war!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by AtlxPat, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

  2. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    WOW!! Thats very gay!! Damn the prices of used evos just went threw the roof I bet..
  3. b reel

    b reel Active Member


    give me a diesel turbine-electric hybrid like the Jag concept and I wouldn't care about gas anymore
  4. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  5. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    give me a million dollars and I wouldnt care either. not the point. They are doing away with an icon to pursue electric shit boxes...
  6. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    Because they can't compete with normal cars so they have to go into a new market to actually sell anything.
  7. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Shit boxes? Enjoy $102 oil.
  8. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    So is it a price of oil thing or an environment thing?
  9. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Everything eventually comes down to money.
  10. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    if oil wasn't traded 200 times before the first person touched the barrel, we wouldn't have these outrageous fucking prices. It's absurd that they do shit like that.
  11. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    You gonna buy one and sell your oil/gas powered car?
  12. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Yes. When the gas/ electric premium on cars gets down to where i want.
  13. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    It costs $5/br to get it out of saudi arabia.
    15/br for getting it out of the Canadian sands.
  14. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    For economic reasons Im guessing? lol There will be another solution. Theres plenty of combustable materials out there that can work.
  15. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    hey at least we cut the education budget by $300million and voted to continue oil company subsidies (you know, because they don't have enough money)
  16. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    USA.....created by mastermind geniuses......run by incompetent idiots.
  17. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    negative. they know exactly what they are doing
  18. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Yeah lining their own effing pockets.
  19. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    and those of the Chinese.
  20. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    Wow you people kill me. You can complain about how our government is run by communists and practically in the same breath complain about the free market and capitalism.
  21. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    what do you mean....you people :squint:

    Gas prices would more than likely still be around $1.00 per gallon if barrels weren't traded so often and freely. None of this $3.80 per gallon bullshit
  22. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    What Mitsubishi is doing is pretty smart...the automobile market is heading away from gas guzzling vehicles, they're just getting ahead of the trend. They don't compete in WRC with the Evo anymore, why continue on it's legacy? It's like Barry Sanders, retire on top...hopefully other automakers won't be the Brett Favre of the sport
  23. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Sort of OT here, but low gas prices are one of the main causes of the shit we're in now. People move 50 miles from work out into the burbs b/c gas is so cheap, it voids any reason for upgraded public transportation, it kills the environment faster and uses up the oil reserves as well
  24. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    OT in an OT thread?! no way!
  25. motomark

    motomark Loudest fuel pump Tucker Supporting Member

    Interesting guy on NPR this morning ( I believe he was a Ford Motor Company board exec)... he said the government should have levied higher taxes on fuel a long time ago. Honestly there is really no excuse for not having more fuel efficient vehicles. Brian's Justy get's 35+ mpg and is 25 years old; 25 years ago we were listening to 8 tracks and now we have USB drives capable of holding 256GB of info... are we really supposed to believe that the 100's of billions in automotive development couldn't have found more significant breakthroughs by now with regard to better combustion technology?

    Example Hyundai pretty much came out of nowhere and they have a 274HP 2.0L motor that runs on 87 octane. A full size car that gets mid 30's mpg with performance to boot. What the hell is everybody else doing?

    And I still have not seen any reliable data on coal fired power plant electricity hydrocarbons used to say charge a Nissa Leaf every night vs a PZEV motor from any # of manufacturers.

    There is no consumer pressure to do so, so pre-recession everyone was buying Escapes/Sequoias/2.5 ton GVW monstrosities.

    That being said, I think I will be getting with Mike Sargent soon for an E85 tune very soon.
  26. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Turns out its expensive to do research.
  27. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    I thought it was for the "better school systems" (which is white people code for black people scare the shit out of me)
  28. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    It's o.k. that it doesn't come from oil, but isn't the MPG is pretty poor?
  29. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    it's cool though. it comes from food :|

    cue daniel tosh MY SUV DOESN'T RUN ON CORN
  30. motomark

    motomark Loudest fuel pump Tucker Supporting Member

    E85 does screw up corn prices to be sure...however, the actual cost of the raw corn in your corn flakes is probably less than 10% of the total production cost. i.e. the price of corn could double and if General Mills or Kellogg were playing fair (which of course they won't) the box would go from $3 box to $3.30 a box. That's with a 100% increase in price. Problem is every body in the supply chain wants a piece of the potential profit.

    Not sure why US has not converted to sugar beets for E85 production, but I'm willing to bet it has something to do with US Gov't subsidies specifically for corn. The E85 conversion process for corn is more complicated than sugar-based, but I understand the manufacturers are getting better at it. Unfortunately, their progress is slower than forecast a couple years ago, which is why most mass media is down on E85. I believe it is part of a solution to our dependence on foreign petroleum, however it seems the subsidies may not be entirely in line with what makes the most sense for economical/efficient production.

    Brazil runs almost entirely on ethanol from sugar beets.

    E85 has less specific energy, I think about 28% less... so yes you burn more. However, since it is a much higher octane and pretty much detonation proof, I think it is possible to actually run a bit leaner stoichiometric so under low load conditions (cruising the interstate at 65 mph) you may be only 15-20% less efficient. Tuners can chime in here if I am way off base.

    Also, in the future, a high compression motor (like 12.5-13.0) designed to run ONLY E85 or even E100 can theoretically approach similar mpg to std 9.0-10.0 CR gasoline motor. But this is a ground up design and you could never run regular gasoline in it. I think we will see it in the future when E85 production reaches levels that could support mass production of such a motor.

    E85 is like cheap race fuel for turbocharged vehicles, but for the mass market to drive demand it has to be 30% less than regular 87 octane for it to gain any mass appeal. It's nowhere close to that without the gov't subsidies.

    The obvious E85 performance benefit is the ability to run higher boost and/or more timing.

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