Free German Shepherd

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Dheim96, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    Hey everyone,

    Because my apartment complex is being a bunch of D-bags I am forced to get rid of my dog. :( He is a male pure breed German Shepherd and is currently 1yr 4months old. I have a 4 year old daughter who is spends a lot of time with so I know he is great around kids and he loves to play with other dogs big or small. He is house and create trained and very well behaved. I have the paperwork for him if you want to register him with the AKC and get his pedigree. He is also not fixed. I will post pictures up later when I get home but I would rather see him go to someone who will appreciate him rather than a German shepherd rescue. This sucks big time!!!!!
  2. Tray@Forged

    Tray@Forged Member

    Got pictures?

    Contact They may know somebody. Kelli or Jeff know a lot of people. Especially those with Shepherds.
  3. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

  4. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah i was gonna suggest checking with law enforcement. although, sometimes they prefer having them from puppies so they can train early.
  5. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    Ya, Law enforcement will only take puppies and only the best puppies at that.
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Let me ask my friend if he's interested. At the very least, you're welcome to let him stay at the house while you're searching for a home. I've got plenty of yard space, another dog, etc.
  7. slade1274

    slade1274 Member

    fixed :p
  8. jabbadeeznuts

    jabbadeeznuts New Member

    I'm the friend that lives with Alex. I'd be interested but, we need to see how he gets along with Alex's dog, Jack.

    Feel free to PM either me or Alex for my number and we can talk.
  9. WRboXer

    WRboXer Active Member

    How much does he weigh?
  10. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    He gets along great with small dogs and big dogs. My ex had a little dog not sure what kind it was but he was like maybe 3 inches off the ground. They were best friends from the Right now I think he weights about 70-75lbs.
  11. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    He is by no means a small dog. Every person to ever see him says how beautiful he is I get more complements on him then I do my No joke.
  12. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    The worst part is that he is really my daughters dog since I got him as a Christmas present for her. Guess I'll have to modify her barbie jeep to make up for it a little.
  13. MeFryRice

    MeFryRice Member

    If my girlfriend were to see this thread, the dog would already be on his way to our house. She's been looking for a German Shepard for a couple weeks now. Would you mind testing me some more pictures of him? 404-683-7698.

  14. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    Ill send some pics as soon as I get home. I have to take more.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011
  15. jabbadeeznuts

    jabbadeeznuts New Member

    I've got a few more questions for you. Here we go:

    What kind of medical history does he have?
    What kind of food are you feeling him currently?
    Up to date on shot, heart worm medication, etc.?
    Any signs or symptoms of joint problems?
    Are pedigree papers available?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011
  16. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Man this is tempting as my rottie is getting older but I'm still renting otherwise I would for sure
  17. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    What kind of medical history does he have? He is still young so he has no medical history.
    What kind of food are you feeling him currently? He is currently eating Hill's science diet adult dog food.
    Up to date on shot, heart worm medication, etc.? He is about do for maintenance shots. But other than that he is up to date.
    Any signs or symptoms of joint problems? He has no signs of any joint problems and parents were free of joint problems also.
    Are pedigree papers available? I will have to see if I still have them. I think I do but will have to double check. I have all the paperwork for him to be AKC registered.
  18. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    I should also say that I'm not going to let him go to just anyone. German Shepherds are a very strong breed of dog and I'm not just talking about the physical aspect. They are very strong willed and very very intelligent. If you are not the alpha male in the house at all times then they will not respect you and if they don't respect you then you are screwed. If you have never owned a dog of this type or are afraid to display yourself as the alpha then I would not recommend this type of dog. Now I'm not saying they are bad dogs or bully dogs as they are the BEST family / protection / working breed period in imo. But they do require a lot of attention and playtime. By playtime I mean running outside going into the woods as they are very active dogs. I not trying to discourage anyone but I want you to know what you are getting yourself into when you get a dog like this. I would keep him but as i said before my a-hole apt complex is making me get rid of him.
  19. MeFryRice

    MeFryRice Member

    How are those pictures coming along?
  20. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    thats a beautiful dog

    choose the new owners wisely otherwise after them your dog may end up in less desired situations
  21. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

  22. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    Very awesome looking dog.
  23. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

  24. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    what's the deal with the apartment complex...are they saying the dog is too big for an apartment? and because it's a german shepherd, it could 'attack' a maintenance guy if he came into your place?
  25. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    Before I got him I made sure that he was on the "approved" list of dogs that you can have at the apartment. Now they are saying that he is an aggressive breed and cannot be there. So I asked them about the few police officers that have their K-9 dogs with them that live there, since those dogs are a lot more likely to attack someone then mine. Their response was that they are police and can do what they like. Now that does not make any sense to me ya know? The people that work in the office are a bunch of F'n retards and do not care about what you have to say or what proof you can provide them saying that it was ok to have this breed earlier before they changed their minds. There only answer is that he is not allowed there anymore and that I have to pay a $600 fine for having him. Which I am NOT going to pay.
  26. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    was on an approved list

    1. then unless there is justification to change the approve list - that old approve list applies to you when you got the dog
    2. if you really want to go to battle with it your chances of a win is very high
  27. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    I was thinking about it. If I do that then they will have it out for me and I'm not really looking to get kicked out of my apt.
  28. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    So...if you pay the $600 fine do you get to just keep him there? Is it a one time fine?
  29. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    No, since he is not on the "approved" dog list I cannot keep him.
  30. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    I'm going to talk to them again today about it to see if I can get them to change their mind. My past experience with them leads me to believe that they wont.
  31. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    as a rental, they can arbitrarily change the terms anytime they want unless you have a lease term you're still under.

    if you're month to month, or on an expired lease, they can tell you the walls have to be pink. :/
  32. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    I spoke with the ahole office people yesterday. They said that since I resigned my lease last month that I agreed to the new terms of the lease and what breeds are not allowed at the apartment. So basically he has to go for sure now.
  33. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^ They still trying to charge you the $600?
  34. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    You know I forgot to even ask yesterday. I got so pissed off when they told me this that I just left.
  35. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    You could open carry into their office to discuss that $600?
  36. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    thats nicad's favorite move
  37. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

  38. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    put .44mag revolver on hip, walk in the office and tell them to leave you alone.

  39. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    That is a great idea!!!
  40. killercd4g63

    killercd4g63 New Member

    how many pounds of boost do you run daily on him ?
  41. mj0212

    mj0212 New Member

    Might be interested..Have some questions though:

    I assume he is potty trained? Does he know basic commands? Does he jump on people when greeting? Is he very vocal?

    Thanks! He's a beautiful pup :)
  42. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    He is house and create trained. I have not trained him as far as commands go. he doesn't jump on people when he greets them but he sure will lick them. Not sure about the vocal part. I guess he is normal when it comes to that.
  43. WRXmom

    WRXmom New Member

    Contact They also rescue GSD's. I know them personally and it will NEVER be an outside breeder dog with them. They find good homes for dogs such as yours.
  44. WRboXer

    WRboXer Active Member

    So what's the deal with this guy, has he found a good home on wrxatlanta yet?
  45. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    Nope not yet.
  46. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    We're trying to work something out, we just had a loss of dog in our family.

    My sister is wheelchair bound, and we're looking into possibly training him as a service dog! :) (fingers crossed)

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