2011 Bi-weekly dinner and meet! All meets start at 7:15!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Matt, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    hey little guy...or girl.
  2. Kupertrooper

    Kupertrooper New Member

    Not this crap again....

  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member


    This is all that's missing IMO.

  4. RSConvert

    RSConvert ɹǝuɹnʇpɐǝɥ uʞnɟɐɥnɯ ɐ sʇı Supporting Member

    Jeezuz I love it!!!!

  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    That's what everyone always says when they're coming out to the dinner meets...but do not show up :)

    Oh, there's a meet tonight? AM ON MA RAY.
  6. Kupertrooper

    Kupertrooper New Member

  7. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    OMFG ahahahha
  8. Alex_ATL

    Alex_ATL Member

  9. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Bump for tomorrow night! Some tasty sushi and other asian goodies
  10. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry9630/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

    Remember folks, no happy endings at boomers.
  11. cleanmachine

    cleanmachine Member

    I'll come out this week maybe. Where do y'all meet? I see the time is 7:15.
  12. cMags

    cMags Member

    Its close enough this time - I think I'll try to make it out. Prob won't be out till around 830 tho...

    Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk
  13. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    we usually hang out in the parking lot for a few minutes then go inside.
  14. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    cant wait for some off the border food!
  15. WRXbryanATL

    WRXbryanATL Member

    see you guys tonight :D
  16. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    I'll probably be there on the bike. you'll know when I'm almost there
  17. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Cuz, u know, my str8 pipez makes up for my lacks of....well, nevermind.
  18. soobaroo227

    soobaroo227 Member

    Dang, I forgot this was tonight. I won't be able to make it this time, hopefully in two weeks. Ready to meet some of you guys and re-meet some of the people I remember from back in the day.
  19. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    I'll be sure to come out next next week.
  20. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Sorry to miss it. Still sick. Hopefully next time.
  21. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    to the top for some more dim sum!

    ....or not.
  22. Alex_ATL

    Alex_ATL Member

    i'll come out. Kept the evening open! lol
  23. mj0212

    mj0212 New Member

    I won't be able to make it tomorrow :( but I should be at the next one! If I still have my subie....
  24. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    oh noes...

    wanna trade for a TL? :p
  25. WRXbryanATL

    WRXbryanATL Member

    we should have a wrxatlanta photoshoot :D
  26. jchon3

    jchon3 Supporting Member

  27. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    +2 but the question is where.

    Parking decks are extremely sensitive about using their structure as a backdrop. I have gotten kicked out of more places than I can list (the coolest was the Tilford rail yard downtown)...
  28. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I typically wait until after dinner to take photos...and that's when we have receipts showing we were patrons.

    One time I was asked to leave, and that was at Lenox Mall. Perimeter mall was one of the nicer guys. They sat and watched and left us alone.
  29. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    I'll maybe bring out my camera, if I can find time to get it back from a friend.
  30. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    Anyone got some strobes? I'll be glad to bring some cameras out.
  31. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    Jeff's got some nice gear! LOL
  32. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Does anyone have any extra tripods? Lol.
  33. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    I can bring my kit.
  34. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    hrm my friends got my battery pack for my strobes :(

    IMO Umezono's parking lot makes for a terribly ugly back drop... maybe plan on a group photo when we're back at the 5seasons@the prado. I don't think anyone has ever bothered to question us lingering around the bottom deck yet.
  35. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    The Prado deck looked pretty good when you posted up the pictures.
  36. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    vote we wait for pictures...we don't want to anger the guy that has to rope off the parking lot.
  37. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    I also vote to postpone the photoshoot, as I won't be there tonight. And maybe I'll take the initiative to wash the wagon before the next meet.
  38. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2.1; en-us; ADR6400L 4G Build/FRG83D) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    Yah, in all honesty I'm just trying to delay the shoot because I'm not totally sure I can make it out tonight :p
  39. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    So who's going?
  40. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    great turnout again!! thanks everyone, for coming out. Nice meeting the new faces, and seeing some more old school people again!
  41. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    Sorry I missed the meet! I will make it out to the next one for sure. Had some things to do
  42. soobaroo227

    soobaroo227 Member

    Had a great time. Ready for the next one.
  43. tallgeese2

    tallgeese2 Member

    Last nights meet was cool. Was nice meeting everyone
  44. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    bump it up for tomorrow!
  45. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I guess I am going now to drop off a TV in the MiniVan:)
  46. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I guess Ill have to load my wallet down then...This will fit in the hatch, no?
  47. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    If it doesn't I've got the Z and we can try to (gently place) it in there
  48. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Were we going to try to bring camera equipment for this round?
  49. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    most definitely...we'll be in the basement of the parking deck, so might as well bring the stuffs...
  50. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    I think I'll drop by. Maybe I can get my 40D back from my friend. And her 50mm 1.8 as well as her XSi kit lens.

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