I know most of you guys have seen these all over facebook, but i didn't realize 100% of the proceeds are going to the Michael J. Fox Parkinson's Disease Research Fund. Thats pretty sweet. If i had $5000 to donate, I'd donate for a pair of these. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Limited-Edition-2011-NIKE-MAG-/200650352884?_trksid=p2045593.m1625
yea thats pretty awesome however no power laces though...until 2015 lol http://www.toxel.com/inspiration/2011/09/08/back-to-the-future-shoes/
RaceTrac is doing something with the Michael J. Fox Parkinson's Disease Research Fund. I just don't remember how it worked... Either it had to do with coffee or you could volunteer to give 1$ in donations.
I would be willing to bet if you wait a year or hell six month Nike will make some small changes to the shoe and then sell them for a hundred bucks.
No, I agree, but wasn't everything from the eighties? That shit is still cool, though- especially if you are old enough to remember the days when the movie came out. Nostalgia aside, even though I'd like to own a pair if they didn't cost a fortune, no, I couldn't see myself actually wearing them.