So, the passenger side low beam lamp when out yesterday. I was looking at replacing both with the osram night breaker plus lamp. Has anyone used them before or have any recommendations on a good lamp to replace them with?
sylvania silver stars are great upgrades, no experience with the one you mentioned tho. im in the retrofitting/HID research area now
to do it right? YES to slap HID's in your halogen projectors? NO you can get HID kits for ~$50 shipped with warranties. however, from experience, you'll hate getting flashed by on coming traffic night after night due to the hotspots caused by lights that are too bright for the housings. not familiar with retrofitting HID projectors into hawkeye wrx's (i.e. whats involved, and how much it costs), but thats the BEST way to go EDIT: lightwerkz says its a simple swap if you use the same year STi headlights
I think I'm going to stick with replacing the lamp for right now. Would rather spend the extra few hundred on suspension parts.
The Sylvania Silverstar Ultras are great bulbs but don't expect a tremendous amount of life from them. Don't waste your money on Piaa's as it's just outsourced Chinese crap.
ya, I don't expect them to last as long as stock. They are not that expensive so I'll take better light for less bulb life.
I have used upgraded bulbs before, similar to the silverstars you mentioned, I think they were the Osram bulbs. I for one did not notice a difference, and they did burn out quickly. IMO, just not worth it. If its really, really dark with no street light or other cars you are going to be using high beams anyway.
see, i did notice a difference, but then again i have horrible night vision and super sensitive eyes. hence the reason i'm upgrading my shitty projectors to TSX
If the haze is on the outside, definitely recommend this
So, the replacement bulb does not lock into the hole where the OEM bulb was. Seems like it is too small to stay in there. Plus the OEM bulb is curved down for the connector where as the replacement is not. Have any ideas?
Wow. I am a fucking retard. Guess I should have taken the other one out to look at. Thanks for clearing that up. Lol