So... everyone likes to be the best so lets start a 1up thread! Post pictures of something that you think can 1up the picture above yours! RULES: It must be something you have owned! Anything but Car Related. I shall start Stoner M110 Serial #00008
I currently co-own a combined amount of 59 cars and trucks/ 10 Well Frago trailers/ 2 4wheelers/ 1 motorcycle/ 2 tractors/ 1 boat (scratch that, I think it sold Sat.) and I think that's currently about it.
Gotta fix the website. Trying to be cheap like Joey and this is what I get...
pretty soon. just need to finish the sous vide setup. side tracked with the boat subwoofer box at the moment
You assume wrong. The corporate slaughter houses are a fing nightmare. I'll take meat slaughtered with care outdoors over the big slaughter houses any day. Looking into getting my own cow...anybody want in?