Here are some pictures from Tial Sport's upcoming turbo kit for the BRZ. Why not just go front mount with the turbo?
maybe it's me, but i would never trust that kit. With the oil line hanging down like that, if it were to get caught on something or if you had to runover something unavoidable on the highway, that could cause, as Jeb would state it, that boom boom pow I agree with the front mount location - that looks like they threw it up on a lift and said "put a turbo in that hole"
That location was chosen so the factory exhaust manifold could still be utilized resulting in a more affordable kit for the consumer. I agree- Its not that big of an issue. Especially if the kit would ship with it (I may have read somewhere that it does.) My complaint is the blow thru style MAF setup:/ Here's some results:
that and i would think all the hot air passing over the top of the engine to get to the intake wouldn't be that great. seems like an awful lot of piping...
Nitrous adds up FAST and the bottle runs out. Turbo is there to stay. Give it'll make more boost soon. Right now they are testing and all. On another note those rods look mighty skinny.
i wouldnt drive that set up in a heavy rain with puddles... just the thought of water going straight into the turbo... yikes...
Its direct injection its likely that dropping the compression isn't entirely necessary. It does have what appear to be very weak ringlands and that could be an issue but 12.5 to 1 compression isn't really that big a deal, you can even run the car pretty lean with DI. The turbo kit is garbage though, its a half ass solution, no one wants 220hp...thats lame.
We at Lamin-x protective films have the template up online for the BRZ! Check it out!
^^^Talk about a shameless plug. Matt I know the kit could've done better but 50 hp from 4 psi isn't shabby.
from what one of the techs told me, there seems to be a lot left on the table with the FA20 and with a few bolt on mods and tune may get close to 300. he did emphasize "may"
Tune only made 18hp at peak with gains everywhere! Perrins testing out various components as well. Everything makes the typical 3-5whp more than stock without a tune. Wish they'd release results from the car with all their bolt-ons and tuned.... Perrin claims that it will be awhile before they release any header designs which I think is a shame...
Exactly. I'm assuming "may" and "close to" are the key points to the guys statement. One persons idea of "close" and my idea of "close" aren't exactly the same. lol But I think between the bolt-ons and tune, you could see gains in peak power similar to this kit at 4psi. The car starts to run increasingly rich as the rpms rise so a simple AFR correction in the top half of the rev range will prove to be super beneficial. Back to the turbo car... Visconti is waiting on speed density to be released for it which leads me to believe they ran out of MAF voltage or started dealing with the inconsitencies common with blow-thru setups. He's a very capable tuner so there's got to be a hardware/software issue stopping the process right now. For all we know it could be the factory map sensor even.. Hopefully we'll see a modest bump in power safely at 7-9psi. Still no answer on what turbo they used yet, but 12psi should be keeping it well within its efficiency range regardless. EDIT: Its a garret GT28RS (disco potato- comonly used on SR20DET motors). This is probably what I would've picked myself. Seems like a viable option for a NA motor this size spinning alot of rpm. Not sure how the direct injection is going to affect power production either. I'm not all that caught up on it, but I do know the Cobalt SS guys have various ways around getting more fuel. The most common one is the addition of an extra injector up stream of the intake runners iirc... If this becomes the case, it seems like a step backwards.... They run out of fuel pressure not so much as fuel flow. Again, I'm not that knowledgable on the topic atm, but I will be soon as the newer WRX/STI's will likely implement this technology...
Somewhere, in Japan...there is an engineer, in a lab coat...just weeping in the corner. Does it really NEED a turbo? [youtube]AJb52YYfy1A[/youtube]
I believe Keiichi was even surprised at the handling capability of a stock GT86. If it surprises Keiichi, than it's something worth looking into.
A lot of people get balance and good handling confused with fast. Its amazingly well balanced for a stock car. It is not fast in any way shape or form.
I am pretty sure (I'll have to double check though) that the guys at UGR run a second fuel rail that dumps fuel when the car hits boost to overcome that issue on the Lambo's...
probably since its been a viable means of additional fuel on boosted applications for the past 20+ years. I know they just released a new intake manifold for the cobalt ss motors that will allow an additional set of injectors to be utilized. the only thing is, at what point is the owner gonna have to step up to something like that and whats the cost involved going to be? i hate to see it cost an arm and a leg and be needed at say 230whp:-\ I guess time will tell, but for now, things seem to be moving forward nicely with their latest offering..
I dunno. 300 hp at 8 psi on 93 octane is nice. Not even the STi is making that kind of power at low boost but this is much much much higher CR at 12.5:1
and DI... I think it's a waste of time doing anything with the stock long block boost wise. I'd wait till the aftermarket gets some goodies out in the market. What's the numbers with just bolt-ons and a tune?
+17whp for a tune on a stock car intake, over pipe, cat delete and cat-back were worth roughly 12whp (+/-3) without tune. It runs stoopid rich on the top end so there's a lot of room for improvement