2012 BiWeekly Dinner Meets thread! Check them out! Meets now start at 7:00pm!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Matt, Jan 17, 2012.

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  1. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

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    100% will be there. I just can't gaurantee ill be there at 7.
  2. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House!: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.3; en-us; Amaze_4G Build/IML74K) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30)

    I want to be there...no guarantees. New Glock needs breaking in first.
  3. Drowland87

    Drowland87 Staff Member Supporting Member

    I'll be there
  4. boogerburns

    boogerburns Member

    This will be my first time to meet up, I'm excited
  5. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Looks like I won't be mountain biking tonight as planned thanks to the rain. I'm in.
  6. Drowland87

    Drowland87 Staff Member Supporting Member

    Good! I haven't seen your car in 2 months and want to see it with the mass amount of things you've been doing to it lately
  7. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    I'll come out. With 3 lugs out of 5 on my front passenger side wheel.
  8. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Hopefully it won't be raining. The past two months have been pretty busy! More is going in later this week as well. See you there!
  9. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    It's confirmed, I'm going to be late, save me a seat at the table.
  10. WRXbryanATL

    WRXbryanATL Member

    super sick.. gunna have to miss this one as well.. been to long.. this sucks
  11. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Will your car be wearing protection?
  12. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    yah and still a bit too much, didn't clean up quite as easily, but meh, i'll finish it up through the week. Apparently there was a reaction with the polymer sealant i put on all my door seals that prevented full drying.
  13. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I'd pull the 5th off one of your other wheels and put it on your front pass wheel..that's not safe.
  14. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    This. 4 is enough...3 not so much.
  15. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    no out of town visitors to entertain for a change, so, see you guys there!
  16. Karma

    Karma Member

    cars not the cleanest right now, but ill stop by!
  17. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    Doesn't look like I'll make it as I originally planned :( until next time folks!
  18. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Or take an unintended nap to sleep right past it. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    I'll try to make sure to come out next time.
  19. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    ahh sucks i had to leave early... i was really curious about Chip`s KWs... well, next time guys.
  20. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Chip and I have the came coilovers, though I think he's set at Myle's recomended settings, while I fiddle with mine too much
  21. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    you guys spoiled me lol... i think i`m set on the ST coilovers though.
  22. boogerburns

    boogerburns Member

    Had alot of fun!! Sad i was the only legacy though
  23. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Did anyone else get sick? They apparently didn't cook the chicken on my pizza all the way through...
  24. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Didn't the waitress say that pizza was to die for? :p

    Sorry to hear that though
  25. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    She also said it was her favorite. I think I got setup! :|

    But yeah...long night. It sucked.
  26. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Ugh...that sucks. I was going to try the pizza next time...I think I'll pass.
  27. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Had the same pizza...I'm ok. Didn't Chip and Drew also have the same pizza?
  28. Drowland87

    Drowland87 Staff Member Supporting Member

    I had the pizza. I'm fine
  29. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    I guess only one poo poo platter got subbed in last night
  30. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    yes, i have not done anything to test out other settings on the tarmac II's, mostly due to limited time and the terrible atlanta streets.

    pizza was nothing special unfortunately... how were the fish and chips?
  31. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    Matt lied to us!!! he told me EVERYTHING is good there haha
  32. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    The fish and chips were alright, they gave me like 7 filets on there, so it was a pretty good sized portion.
  33. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    wtf 7? how big were they? usually most places give you 1 or 2 somewhat 'large' pieces
  34. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Yah I was really surprised, it was a good bit of food, for comparison it was prob about 4 pieces of what the Prado taco mac does, fries were okish. But i think it was 9bux so pretty decent deal, and it seemed like they battered and fried it there.
  35. Jester

    Jester New Member

    Hey guys!

    How long do these things go? I will be working till 7:15, but I am only 15 mins away from Miller's, I should be able to get there by 7:30ish. Is it worth shooting over or should I wait for the next one?

  36. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    yah you're good, lately we have been out to around 9.30-10ish.
  37. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Oh fucking damnit. In the haste of me finding my classes for this semester, I forgot that the Tuesday meets were at 7:15. My 2nd class on Tuesdays and Thursdays start at 7:15.... kewl
  38. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Don't lie...you did it on purpose. This way you'll always have an excuse not to make it out.

    Ban him...finally.
  39. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    just hire some asian guy to come out every tuesday and look down at his phone in the corner, problem solved.
  40. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    Remember no one order wings for dinner... or you will be waiting for 40mins like i last time....
  41. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I would pre-order the wings if I were you.
  42. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    ill call in a take out order at 6:00 when i leave my house to head up
  43. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    I'm in...but not ordering the pizza.
  44. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    i'm in, a little late again.
  45. 04subiwrx

    04subiwrx Member

    I will be there
  46. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    This place sounds like a real winner...don't order anything on the menu unless you are willing to wait or eat "ok-ish" food.
  47. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    im thinking i might pack my own lunch tonight lol
  48. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Try to make it before dark this time, k?
  49. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    yah i think ill be more like 7.15-7.30.
  50. Tireboi

    Tireboi Member

    See you guys there.
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