uh....put your mouse over "Don't mess with the gray panthers" ??? on darkness theme, the html links don't pop, but if you scroll over your cursor should change
http://www.break.com/index/dad-upgrades-sons-power-wheel-with-66hp-engine-2356055 Terrible music, nice vid though
^^^ definitely should've dressed it up like an AT-AT and blown up some fucking generators....with lasers....
That matte black Vader helmet is not cool enough. The original high gloss black that Vader wore is so much more chilling.
I thought that looked like a brother of yours Peter.... I knew you would educate us on what the deal was.
Dude tries hit and run on a motorcycle after hitting a wrx http://www.break.com/index/biker-chased-down-in-hit-and-run-2359749
I think that was posted on Jalopnik. Pretty funny how the guy eventually gets scared and pulls over and starts to apologize.