2012 BiWeekly Dinner Meets thread! Check them out! Meets now start at 7:00pm!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Matt, Jan 17, 2012.

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  1. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    yes...we will.
  2. orndog

    orndog Member

    The same way you judged me for the OBS, or more harshly... :rofl:
  3. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    HEY HEY HEY! you're right. I didn't learn that I had my final on Tuesday until this past week. Pretty lame.
    I will be making sure my schedule next semester won't interfere with Tuesdays.
  4. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    This tuesday?? Yay! I'll be back in ATL!! Not sure if the wife will let me outta her sight though
  5. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    Is there any way we could ever schedule a meet on a Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday? I already asked this in the GTG for the Southside, but I would really like to meet up with you guys for the 1st time, but Tuesdays are an absolute NO GO for me.
  6. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    That's something that's definitely doable.
  7. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    I would really appreciate it. Especially now that I've got my car rolling, I'm REALLY itching to get out to a meet.
  8. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    You could just post up a thread that you want to meet some folks on any other day...you pick the time and place and see who shows up. We don't need to re-schedule the dinner meets for you.

    For example:

    "I'm new on here and I can't make it to the Tuesday night meets...I'd like to get out and meet some of y'all. How does (insert place/location) on (insert date) at (insert time) work for everyone? Please post up if you can come out!


    New Guy"
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2012
  9. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    you always miss bugrex around this time of year don't you?
  10. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Yeah, plus broken grew up and became cookie. Luckily, I still have :rofl:APG!
  11. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    crossing my fingers my coilovers will get to allpro before tuesday lol... otherwise, i AM showing up in the odyssey unless my friend in the 07 sti wanna come along. dontwannadrivethemomvandamnit
  12. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    That's kind of what I am trying to do. I live so far out of Atlanta and other sizeable metro areas though, that I just want to make sure there will be a few people coming before I make the trek.
  13. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Can we move this week's meet to L.A.? That is where I will be.
  14. spsWRX

    spsWRX Member

    I will be trying to make it to this one since finals are over
  15. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    I live in norcross. Anyone is always welcome to come by me and the wifes house and wrench, drink, try and beat me at GT5, eat, and generally have a good o'l time.

    Covington, wow I don't even know where that is lol
  16. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    I'm always game for some good food and video games....and wrenching. Beware though, if my car comes, there's almost always something to be wrenched on.
  17. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    By the way, from Holcomb Bridge Rd @ Peachtree Ind. is exactly 47 miles one way from my house.
  18. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    If you're serious, then I am as well. I'm always up for meeting cool new people
  19. orndog

    orndog Member

    Where is Norcross anyway lol
  20. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    47 miles :eek3:

    Yeah i'll check with the Mrs and find out when she wants to have a gathering.

    Last time she came home to a house full of half drunk gearheads with no prior notice, I had to try and remember all my old porn URL's for like 2 days... :eek:hnoes:
  21. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Sometimes I feel like it's in another country..
  22. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    No no no, Covington is in another country....Norcross actually has civilized life. If everyone is willing to make the trek, I'm willing to host a night as well. Super Bowl party maybe?
  23. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    I just moved to Lawrenceville from snellville only 7.5 miles from my old house, im going to try to make it out tomorrow.. weather depending
  24. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    I didn't see anyone meeting with me in AZ lol
  25. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    why are you in lower alabama?
  26. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    I'm not. I am checking in with my homies in the city of angels.
  27. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    showing up in the mom van. dont judge :)
  28. orndog

    orndog Member

    Is it a Prius? Could you mount a WRX motor under one of those? :lol:
  29. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    no worse... it's a honda odyssey yEA.
  30. orndog

    orndog Member

  31. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    i stopped watching after the first 10 sec cuz it just makes it that much worse hahaha. i miss my car damnit!! should be done on Wednesday.
  32. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    those siennas aren't nothin to mess around with lol.
  33. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

  34. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

  35. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    calling allpro right now to check on the progress of the car lol
  36. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    If they told you it would be ready on Wednesday...why call and bother them? Let them work. They will call you if they need something or when it's ready. Don't be that customer.
  37. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    coilovers are here :) I still think the car will be ready by tomorrow though haha
  38. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Every post is hilarious.
  39. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    yea i hear ya.. allpro guys are super busy all the time and i dont wanna be a lil baby lol. in all fairness, you guys give me so much $hit for the mommy van :rofl:
  40. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

  41. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    kind of glad I'll be working this evening...
  42. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    hahahaha :rofl:
  43. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    It figures that it's been super nice for the past few days/week...and today rolls around and it's fucking cold again..
  44. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.4; en-us; ThunderBolt Build/IML74K) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30)

    Yeah and I left my heavy coat in the other car. Well, see you all there. Damn mother nature be trolling the meets
  45. orndog

    orndog Member

    Meehan's serves antifreeze gents, no worries!
  46. Al.SpecB

    Al.SpecB Member

    Ill be there, ill be a bit late tho.
  47. resynch

    resynch Supporting Member

    I had a great time. Definitely will be attending more frequently. Nice to meet everyone and seeing fellow subies. (Subaru hat guy)
  48. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    what an awesome way to end this year! you guys rock! Thanks for coming out!!

    I believe I counted 11 or 12 cars, with 14+ people! That's a good turn out!
  49. spsWRX

    spsWRX Member

    Definitely a good turnout! Nice meeting everyone again, and hope to be able to attend more of these meets.
  50. Damn that's a lot of people! Wish I could of made it out. My power steering just crapped out on me this morning.
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