I just rebuilt my brothers STI with new orings....not a drop of fluid and it's been 2 weeks now. Maybe you can try re-building it? If it doesn't fix it...at least you know you only spent $5 worth of oring replacements lol.
It's not leaking but making a horrible sound when I drive and turn the wheel. I think its pretty much done. lol
Mine is doing the same with a little leak, i ordered some o-rings and me and (liltoua) are going to attempt to rebuild it, if it still whins when at slow turns and what not then ill know ill have to by a new pump..or one from (Advance, Napa) etc....:|
Typically i understand what lifetime warranty is but dont mind my dumb question, what is limited lifetime warranty?
Basically as long as I have the car then they will replace the part under the warranty. Once I sell the car the warranty is gone and if the part failed then the new owner would have to buy a new part.
The "great" thing about crappy parts with lifetime warranties is that if/ when they fail you get to do the labor all over again...
I have an OEM rebuilt with "ALL" new seals. If interested let me know. I have researched the remanf ones and they do work, some of them do for a few months and some longer if you are willing to remove and install then you can take the chance. I also have the upgraded o-ring Kits with the shaft seal as well