Review of All Pro Subaru The good and the BAD!

Discussion in 'Allpro Subie Service & Performance' started by 2010subiefoz, Mar 15, 2013.

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  1. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    I was trying to go to the Allpro review and it keeps jumping to the bunched panties thread...
  2. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    I've never been to allpro (yet) but I will be going for lots of things in the future.
    I had a 65+yr old man (based on his appearence) tell ME about allpro in the home depot parking lot the other day. Apparently he uses the exclusively for his outback, I was pretty impressed since that's generally a dealership customer.

    Regarding the rest of the "fluff" in this poor thread that started bad with the ridiculous review, and got worse when the trolling really came into boost:
    Robb is a nice guy. Not sure what the hidden flame-war is about towards him from anybody since I am only 6 months old on here, but I've met him in person several times and he's a genuinely nice guy in person, AND on the forums. I think that element is key.

    Celtic no offense, but in the 6 months I've been on here I often wonder if all you do is sit on your PC/Mac/Tablet/Phone trolling the chat box and literally any thread that gets a post so you can reply / comment / troll. Now you may be a stupendously nice guy in person as well, but why not on here? This is rhetorical btw.

    Personally i've owned a LOT of different crap over the years, audio, satellite, home theatre, cars, trucks, bikes, 4wheelers whatever and there is a Forum, BBS or IRC channel for everything trust me. When I sold or got rid of it, I also quit flooding said communities with my opinions. Sure I still know those guys, in fact I talk to them all the time ON THE PHONE, IN PERSON, or otherwise. Why you feel the need to troll a REGIONAL forum you aren't a resident in anymore about a brand of car you don't even drive anymore is really beyond me, but it's something to consider.
  3. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Also the fact that things like this are running amazing community contributors like Robb off the forums is a huge disappointing reality.

    He took amazing photos of my car at no cost, provided a tremendous amount of feedback without me even having to ask and served as a social segway at TopSpeed to get me plugged in with Mike, Doug and the guys up there. You can't put a price on this kind of stuff, it just comes naturally from "nice people" who know how to properly gel and mature a car club. Run enough of them off, the gel dries up and, well, this happens.
  4. CelticPride

    CelticPride Banned

    No offense taken. I'm just an arsehole who flat out says what's on my mind. With me you get my real opinion regardless of the outcome and I don't sugar coat anything. And I just don't keep my mouth shut. Never have.....never will. It's just me.
  5. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I think everything that was said is all we need in here. Food for thought, people.
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