Car Show June 30th

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by STiRoid, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    Cars, Trucks, Bikes, and what ever you call a vehicle is welcome to the car show. The car show will be on June 30th at Marietta Billiards. Starts at 1 PM and goes until everyone leaves!!! Come hang out and check out some awesome rides.

    Location: Marietta Billiards
    Time: 1PM-???
    Vehicles: Anything that is a mobile!

    Dont forget to check us out on facebook!
    & on Instagram! @SubaruAtlanta
  2. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Subaru atlanta?
  3. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    It's us not a Subaru Atlanta show, we just started up and are trying to find more Subaru owners. Like our page on Facebook ( )

    This car show is just a random, it was sent to us by a local club. We're just spreading the word about the show. Most of the car shows that happen in the parking lot are HUGE. I assume this will have a nice turn out seeing how more than 1,000 people have invites
  4. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's Bedroom!: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.3; en-us; Amaze_4G Build/IML74K) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30)

    Who is "us"?
  5. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    We may tool through in the outback lol
  6. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    "Us" was supposed to be "is" damn iPhone..
    But of you're talking about the "sent to us" then... " us" referring to Subaru Atlanta.
  7. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Is this a "we hungry meet?"
  8. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    Negative. I actually just sent a message to them on Facebook seeing if they were going to try and have a few people ride out
  9. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    I contacted "we hungry" they will not be in association with this show, however it is probable there will be a lot of them come out

    2004, STi, 60 trim, tune, exhaust
  10. nik_05STi

    nik_05STi Member

    My buddy drove by and saw one black sti there. Has anyone else showed up?
  11. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    That's my STi. :)

    2004, STi, 60 trim, tune, exhaust
  12. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    I really don't know what's going on ATM, looks like poor promoting to me...

    2004, STi, 60 trim, tune, exhaust
  13. nik_05STi

    nik_05STi Member

    I assume it is you STiroid
  14. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    Yup. That's was me

    2004, STi, 60 trim, tune, exhaust
  15. nik_05STi

    nik_05STi Member

    Let us know if anyone else shows up, I'm not that far
  16. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    For something that started at's quite dead. I'm going to stick it out a little, have my girl with me so she can shop while I wait

    2004, STi, 60 trim, tune, exhaust
  17. nik_05STi

    nik_05STi Member

    Best place to shop around there is at Harry's across the street.
  18. gianni@brzclub

    gianni@brzclub New Member

    I rolled through and no one was there....
  19. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    Yeah, it was a VERY big disappointment. It was very poorly promoted. I stayed for an hour in hopes someone would roll through...but Mark Joye (the man who was putting it on) really didn't promote worth a shit. I'm sorry for getting everyone's hope up lol

    2004, STi, 60 trim, tune, exhaust
  20. gianni@brzclub

    gianni@brzclub New Member

    Weird location too.
  21. STiRoid

    STiRoid Member

    It's not a weird location. We have really decent meets out there. Locals gather there Friday nights, and "we hungry" has meets there as well. I don't know if anyone has been to the "we hungry" meet but they're pretty damn good to be hosted by a single person...this person is also a girl. She gets around 600+ cars to show up, and this meets are great. Vendors, and all!

    2004, STi, 60 trim, tune, exhaust
  22. gianni@brzclub

    gianni@brzclub New Member

    Maybe it was just cause there was no one there it looked weird lol. Definitely down to go to the next show, when and wherever it is.

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