2013 BiWeekly Dinner Meets Thread! Same day, same time!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Matt, Jan 27, 2013.

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  1. 02ts-t

    02ts-t Member

    Had a fun time and plan on going to more. Nice to meet some other subaru owners around town.
  2. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    wish I had pre-dinnered before hand
  3. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Good seeing everyone. For some reason I feel our section lacked boobies given the location of the meet
  4. outbacksprt

    outbacksprt Member

    your not the only one that thought that.. although i will give credit she atleast kept the tickets pretty straight for being one waitress
  5. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Great turn out, and was great to see you all after missing last months meets. Also was great to meet some new members, hope to see you all at then next one.
  6. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    surprised the tall blond didn't have a tramp stamp let alone any other visible ink
  7. gianni@brzclub

    gianni@brzclub New Member

    Nice to meet everyone and thank you for the warm welcome to ATL! Here are a few pics:















  8. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Whose FD is that?
  9. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    No pics of the ugly Brighton? :(
  10. gianni@brzclub

    gianni@brzclub New Member

    Sorry man. I guess I didn't shoot a pic of every car. I saw you leaving tho, someone said you have an H6 in there?
  11. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    I think his name might be Matt, Chris, Justin, or Pat. pretty sure he'll answer to one of those.
  12. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    im just giving you shit, its not photoworthy yet.

    yes to H6, EG33
  13. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Oh you were able to bring it out? That's awesome!
  14. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    wrong...it's Alex.
  15. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    holy giant fucking pics batman

    resize that shit
  16. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    go away Datsun driver
  17. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    we really need to get photo resizing fixed..
  18. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    i just think you all need larger monitors :p
  19. outbacksprt

    outbacksprt Member

    Holy mega pixels batman!
  20. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    Sad no E39 photobomb :(
  21. gianni@brzclub

    gianni@brzclub New Member

    Lol at the hate on HQ wallpaper pics. How come the forum doesn't auto resize?
  22. ChrisW

    ChrisW Member

    They're the perfect size for an iPad
  23. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    3.85 doesn't have that feature. There's a hack for it, but it never worked quite right.
  24. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    time to upgrade!
  25. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    We have plans for it...unfortunately, nearly all the current code has to be re-written...

  26. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    farm it out to china, this way we will have nsa, and the commies reading our BS. we can flood them with useless data!!!
  27. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    you don't think they all read this now?
  28. pleiades

    pleiades Member

    Just redefine the img tag and inc a script to resize .. Done
  29. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Who is ready for tomorrow? I need to call them again and make another reservation.
  30. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.2; SCH-I545 Build/JDQ39) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.90 Mobile Safari/537.36)

    Im in.
  31. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    im 50/50 right now... i have been out every night since the 3rd... im getting to old for all this partying
  32. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    Me and toua plus one!
  33. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    That reminds me...texting jchon right now.
  34. Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10B350 Safari/8536.25)

    I don't think I will be able to make it. Drink a lady size drink for me.
  35. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Probably going to make this one woot
  36. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

  37. Al.SpecB

    Al.SpecB Member

    I will do my best to make it . Probably gonna be a bit late.
  38. 02ts-t

    02ts-t Member

    I think I'll be going again.
  39. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.2; SCH-I545 Build/JDQ39) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.90 Mobile Safari/537.36)

    Bah you all looky the same!!

    Oh wait...
  40. K12R

    K12R New Member

    I'll come out to my first WRX gathering. Where do you normally meet? In the parking lot? Or inside the restaurant?
  41. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    In parkinglot. In this case the top of the parking deck.

    Btw I should be there
  42. K12R

    K12R New Member

    Thanks for the lightening fast response.
  43. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    I believe a couple pages back Matt linked a google maps URL for exactly where we will be parked ( the deck is sorta funky and you can end up on a different 'top section' sometimes. But we'll be out on the deck for a good while before we head in.

    edit: matt's link: http://goo.gl/maps/0HjdQ
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2013
  44. K12R

    K12R New Member

    Thanks for that. Looks like the deck at Rusan the sushi place.
  45. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    yessir, it is. i also recommend you DO NOT eat at the rusan's.
  46. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    what? Why, I used to love that place
  47. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    that one, i got so freaking sick, I was bed ridden for a day with a bucket. uggh
  48. gianni@brzclub

    gianni@brzclub New Member

    I'll probably cruise through for a little bit!
  49. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    For parking, I'm thinking we move to the lower deck area. It's more open and easier to park in. It's still outside as well, just outside of where we parked for the last meet.

    It's the "B" pointer in this link: http://goo.gl/maps/VBPeq You still would go in the same entrance, and when going around the inner level of the deck, there's a ramp to go outside.

  50. gianni@brzclub

    gianni@brzclub New Member

    Lower deck sounds good
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