Anyone Order a 2014?

Discussion in 'General Community' started by ~The_Duke~, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Well then there are those folks... but most of those folks knew what they were doing and were just waiting for it to pop... lol
  2. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    short answer is you're probably safer with the tune, but...

    delette posted the graphs above, you can see exactly where the issue lies. Not only do they lean out the stock tune, but they do it when you're building the most amount of power. That dip in the curve is where the motor is not getting enough fuel (leaning it out).

    it's the owner's call on when to mod, but if i were to buy a subaru again :)rofl:), I would do it right off the bat. From what we've seen, it doesnt' matter if you're bone stock, have an AP, SPT bolt ons or a full blown build, you're going to have an extremely hard time convincing SOA to give you the time of day on ANY drivetrain issue.
  3. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member


    OTS tunes IMO should only be used to drive the car from your house to your tuner's shop of choice for a proper tune that is tailored to your car. Its kinda like wearing a suit that was made for your brother, sure it'll fit but it wont be as awesome as it could be.
  4. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Very true. I had the money sitting aside waiting for it to happen. Ironically, I must have had a freak of nature block because it went 22k miles (or more) at 392whp/387 ft lbs tq with tracking it and mountain runs until one piston finally went.

    That is not a normal by any means though.
  5. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Cobb's OTS tunes are usually pretty good. They have that 'safe' padding in them whereas a pro tune is the ultimate milk out what it's got. You probably aren't going to really get a whole lot more power in the pro tune (you will get more power but it won't be a large increase) but the driveability is going to be the biggest noticeable factor. Now if you go outside of the normal recommend mods that's a whole different ballgame.
  6. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    a protune will give you an increased area of power under the curve, but probably won't push past most of the peaks. they also take into account climate and elevation.

    i don't know that i'd spend the $500 for a protune over an OTS map, unless i had supporting mods that differed from the Cobb recommendations
  7. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Yes, and yes.
    Just keep in mind that by remaining stock, you retain your subaru provided powertrain warranty, which means that every time it happens (but hopefully never) it gets replaced for free. By modding, you throw that away EVEN IF the values in the ECU are now much "healthier" for the car.

    One thing I can say about Cobb OTS stg1 AND stg2 with the drive-by-wire STI's like we have, is that doug radically changed how the part throttle behavior was, and boost control at part throttle. Because you most likely daily drive your car just like I do (or did lol) this is super beneficial to the driving experience.
    Cobb stage 1 was light years over stock in part throttle.
    Cobb stage 2 was exactly the same.
    Doug's map was light years over either of those. Compared to stock? Different feeling car all together.
  8. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    lol, if you're mad that SOA isn't helping over a modded car, I can only imagine how upset you would've been had you busted a motor that was on a bone stock car.

    I feel pretty confident telling you that even if your car was off the show room floor, subaru / soa still would not have warrantied your powertrain.
  9. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    very true...

    has anyone seen pistons yet from the FA/FB (assuming it will be the same in the new platform)
    Are they an improvement? I mean those motors are square at least (same bore / stroke) unlike the EJ25, so that in itself is an advantage but I wonder if they are still using horribly cast pistons with a mega-short skirt and poorly engineered ringland placement
  10. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    I'm sure you know how to google.
  11. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    I was discussing, you know, on a discussion forum?
    What exactly are/were you doing? Besides looking for that 4th username.
  12. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Not trying to be an ass but it's as easy as this and took a whopping 5 seconds.

  13. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Copy and paste:

    Clark Tuner did a good analysis of the ej257 here. Basically he suspects a lot of the issues with detonation (and consequently cracked ringlands) on the ej257 came from it being based on the JDM 2.0L, but bored out. Basically to get it to produce 300hp on US crap gas, Subaru bored it out to 2.5L while maintaining the short stroke, causing it to be more prone to detonation than the JDM variant. Detonation is really the root cause of the cracked ringlands.

    Probably more information than you wanted, but long story short, the FA20 with its square configuration (86mm x 86mm) and normally aspirated DI setup should *in theory* be less prone to detonation issues than the ej257. But only time will tell, as it's really hard to compare such different engines.
  14. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    perfect, that's exactly what I was trying to discuss, since this is a 2014 order thread and the 2014 is the last model with the EJ series.

    I always said that the motor not being square was an issue, thanks for clarifying why they made it that way. It seems like everything boils down to satisfying USDM sale policies and regulations (EPA, Gas Guzzler Tax avoidance, etc)

    I'm all for going green and saving the environment, but.....

    I still can't find a side-by-side comparison of the EJ stock piston and the FA stock piston. I'm really curious if the skirt is any taller or the ring placement is dramatically different. Doesn't look like it in the pic you posted, looks pretty similar.
  15. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Back ON TOPIC:

    When I ordered my car I didn't get a VIN until it was stateside.
    I am a network engineer / IT Security architect for a living, so I used a variety of methods to track my car from it's origination in Gunma, JP to the port @ Yokohama, to the loading onto an NYK shipping line RoRo car carrier, to it's refueling in hawaii, to it's panama canal transit, to the port of baltimore, to the port facility for the 2 port installed options, to the Georgia Pacific train it rode to Atlanta, to the car truck it rode on to SOG.

    All of this information is available in the database driven application SOA employee's use to move cars around in the "pipeline" depending on dealer requests and dealer allocations. All you have to do is call SOA and ask, although in my experience it takes finding the right person because they have to actually put forth some "effort", and not all of them are willing to do that, hence my taking it upon myself.

    If you don't have a VIN, it probably hasn't hit port yet. When they go over the shipping manifest from the RoRo and "check" the cars into the port facility is when your VIN gets recorded in SOA's database.
  16. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    I don't know that the piston skirt length would really matter, or the location of the ring placement. It's been about a decade, but I took IC engines at Tech and I don't really remember those ever coming up / being an issue, except in regards to the displacement from TDC and BDC and the rod length (make sure the rod doesn't hit the skirt). The rings are only there as a sort of squeegee to keep the oil where it's supposed to be. The ringlands on the piston aren't the rings that seal, like you're thinking (i think), it's a cast piece that is there to essentially hold the rings in place (see picture below, best i could find on 10 sec google search).

    while i'm sure there's a ideal location to seat the rings, i don't think that has any issue at all as to why they're crapping out. It's mostly detonation due to lean out and shitty castings

  17. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I've heard the pipeline term before, what exactly does it refer to? Its shipping adventure, or the whole assembly process + shipping?

    Ya I figured that the VIN wasn't till it hit US soil. They have recently opened up a port in Brunswick, GA for Subaru delivery so the wait time after a VIN assigned has been cut down. According to my dealer.
  18. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    The piston to wall tolerances are very tight from factory. Also the bores are usually out of round. Then the ring gaps are super tight. All that together makes up rings butting up together. When detonation happens (another issue) those rings touch and can't go anywhere....what happens then? They expand and bust the ringland.
  19. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Woooooow they ended up going with Brunswick over Savannah. Our governor will love that one.

    The pipeline is just a term used internally by SOA and the dealerships to describe the process I just explained.
  20. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    It doesn't include the build process at the factory, all that is done in Gunma, Japan and just the language barrier alone is enough to prevent them from providing that to SOA let alone the consumer.
    There are very few manufacturers that offer "step by step" updates as your car is built in factory, BMW, Mercedes and GM/Chevy are on that list I know, not sure about the rest of the imports though.
  21. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I wish there was a website tracker of some sort to at least tell you where it was. Just for the fact of it being cool and up beat, maybe even a snap shot of your car on the production line. Wishful thinking I think... lol

    I do find it cool that Subaru is still importing these cars instead of building them in the states. My wife's outback was built at the Indiana factory, has an "American made" sticker on it and everything. I got a pretty green coffee mug in the mail yesterday thanking me for my purchase to... lol
  22. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    I never got a mug! The treachery....

    Subaru is a very small manufacturer, and when it comes to their order process it could easily be called the "most dated".
    Through where I work we have numerous SOA contacts and I provided all of them with detailed feedback on the process when I ordered my car, but it falls on deaf ears, they are selling more cars now then they ever have before and so unless that trend reverses, they won't make investments unnecessarily especially since only a handful of people actually custom order a subaru. Most just buy off the lot from a dealers allocation.

    One thing I did learn a lot about through the process was how SOA "allocates" cars to dealers, and how dealers have to "earn" cars for lack of a better term.
    This really does affect dealer selection when shopping for an STI or BRZ or anything else semi-rare in their product lineup. Some dealerships never sell them, so they never get them.
  23. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Also congrats, you ordered the car I WISH I would have ordered, a PBP hatch lol.
    I got a black sedan which was at the time my first choice, and I'm still partial to that stealth black sedan look, but man that plasma blue is just a badass color.

    and I could have really used the 5door extra space since I sold my truck like an idiot.
  24. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    100% this - it's why SoK always has the best selection of vehicles. They're a) a subaru only dealership that's still owned by SOA and b) they move the most amount of premium vehicles, giving them access to more.

    this is also why they don't really negotiate....they know that for the most part, other dealerships won't have the variety they can get. And even if they do, who cares? There's always a demand for these vehicles, and even when it pisses people off (it's unfortunately happened to a few on here), they always have 100 more customers waiting in line.

    who was it that preordered the BRZ there and ended up canceling? Well, i saw that car the day it came off the truck, and when you cancelled (i think it was longfury, can't remember though) they had it sold within 20 minutes. Supply and demand...
  25. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    That was Alex. Longfury bought his.

    Also, SoK is owned by Troncalli...always has been
  26. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Ya I got concerned right before the order bank opened because PBP isnt being offered in canada, and their bank opened first. I had myself picking out a back up color. It was between the white and black. So glad they didn't can one of the best colors.

    Plus rumor has it they will not be offering a 5-door in the redesigned 2015 car. Which I am quite concerned about the greenies ruining... Even if the EJ25 isn't the best motor ever, I know exactly what I am getting myself into... :eek3: I heard the term electric turbo charger the other day...

    I like to fish, so I wanted the 5-door so I could throw my gear in the back and go on a mountain run and a fish trip at once... Plus my last DD was a miata... can I tell you the inconvenience of driving a miata to home depot or the pet store. 1 bag of mulch\dog food fills up the ENTIRE trunk area, and forget getting anything longer than about 4 feet.
  27. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Incorrect, but only for a few more years. It's currently RUN by Troncalli, but it's still owned by SoA. I think their lease is up in a few years, it was a startup lease so they could open the store on Barrett. SOA owns everything about that Barrett location, which pisses SOK off, because they need to expand and can't. They had employees parking across the street and down the road, as they have no room for new vehicles.
  28. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Troncalli is SMALL as well, and its tucked back in the corner. Unless you know its there or go looking for it you aren't seeing that thing from the road.
  29. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Weird...when they were building, I had a chat with someone from SoA and they said it was fully owned by the troncalli family.

  30. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    My wife's company built SOK, and Steven's father in law is GM of Troncolli. Talk about 6 degrees of separation!
  31. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    they only own the physical property on site that's not leased through SOA until it sells (office equipment, used vehicles, parts, etc). the property, building and rights are still owned by SOA
  32. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    So I got news that they have a tentative time frame in which I should expect delivery of my car. It will be here sometime in November.
  33. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Nice man, congrats!!!
    It will come on the NYK shipping line. You can use vesseltracker or the other site to track the ship. SoA can give you the name of the ship (if you get the right person).

    This is of course assuming you are obsessed like I was, and/or have nothing better to do LOL
  34. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    You have more problems than I do...

    Next time my wife tells me I am sick, I am going to tell her about you. lol

    I am super excited though.
  35. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    So I now have an estimated arrival date of Nov 10th ish.

    I'll post pictures once I get it. Oh the waiting... I am so bad at waiting... lol
  36. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    You are nothing compared to some others.......enjoy!
  37. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I FINALLY got my car!


    And its awesome!

    RIGHT after I took these pictures the dealer decal did come off... :)
  38. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    I was about to say....freaking huge dealer sticker.

    Nice car go enjoy it!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
  39. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    A couple of days early is nice. Looks great! Enjoy!
  40. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Car looks SICK!
    This was literally my second choice over a black sedan, a plasma blue 5 door.
    Congratulations on taking delivery finally, be sure to come see us at the bi-weekly meets!
  41. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Got any examples?
  42. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    That car is sexy. Congrats man!
  43. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

  44. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Thanks for the compliments. I am loving being back in a Subaru again.

    I can't wait till is broken in all the way.
  45. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    She's purdy.. Congrats!

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