Process West IC for Stage 2?

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by BmanFSU26, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. BmanFSU26

    BmanFSU26 Member

    Need some opinions on purchasing a Process West TMIC for a stage 2 setup on my 2013 WRX. I am purchasing an Invidia DP, Grimmspeed turbo heat shield and Grimmspeed EBCS for the tune and contemplating the need/benefits of a new intercooler.

    Currently running stage 1 with the mods below:

    SPT catback exhaust
    Cobb +SF airbox w/heatshield
    Cobb AP
    TSM stage 1 dynotune
  2. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I would give you some advice but you are a FSU fan:)


    The heat shield is a waste of money unless you just want it for looks. You can trim your stock heat shield to fit an aftermarket DP.

    TMIC is not required for stage 2 but it wouldnt hurt either.

    Why are you getting an aftermarket EBCS? Are you having problems hitting target boost or over boosting?
  3. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    The comment is based off of limited experience...

    However, my 2 cents is that you kinda need the better TMIC for the stage 2+ WRX.

    I have seen 1 car, and through the experience learned of other cars that had a problem with a heat soaked WRX TMIC that was effecting the car enough for it cause the car to stall at idle, not want to start again until it cooled off.

    I dont rememeber which way the AFR trim went upon having this problem, but spraying some water on the IC helped the issue but he was back into the same place after 1 autox run.

    Personally, I would invest in the intercooler upgrade.
  4. BmanFSU26

    BmanFSU26 Member

    Haha I knew I should have removed that image first!

    I would want the heat shield for looks, but was hoping for increased functionality preventing heat soak.

    So with the OEM WRX intercooler, I wouldn't see any real increases or benefits in adding a larger TMIC at Stage 2? At least $900 worth :). Just seems as if the WRX IC is very small.

    I heard the EBCS is much more efficient in having 3 ports vs 2, and would reduce turbo lag. I do have issues sometimes not hitting target boost, but that is a rare occasion. Never over boosting.
  5. Holc13WRX

    Holc13WRX Supporting Member

    I have a stage 2 wrx with stock IC. I have had absolutely 0 problems with heat soak or stalling at idle... It has been running perfectly for months now.

    Not saying it is not a good investment, but I really have had no issues, so if you want to save the money I have had no regrets going stage 2 with stock ic
  6. BmanFSU26

    BmanFSU26 Member

    I haven't planned on doing any autox runs, but would like to be prepared for any future desires. I do frequent "spirited" mountain runs (Tail of the Dragon ect), so this is where my concerns come into play.
  7. Holc13WRX

    Holc13WRX Supporting Member

    Oh and btw. I've done 2 mountain runs with a lot of spirited driving over the last month and again, no issues.
  8. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Nah, the aftermarket heat shields do not function better than the stock heatshield. They are mainly there for looks. Now aftermarket turbo blankets do function better than stock heatshields but I have heard mixed reviews on fitment with the stock turbo.

    The IAT will probably be lower with the upgraded TMIC but would it be worth the $900 investment? I dunno....I have seen people use the ghetto ebay TMIC kits and log close to the same IAT as the PW TMIC. I am going to say if you plan on keeping it with the stock turbo, the stock TMIC should suffice. If you plan on getting a bigger stock location turbo the upgraded TMIC is almost a must.
  9. BmanFSU26

    BmanFSU26 Member

    Awesome this is good news. Sounds like I have an option instead of it being a necessity.
  10. BmanFSU26

    BmanFSU26 Member

    Ok good. I was looking into turbo blankets as an alternative, but sounds like I may just trim the stock to fit the DP.

    I would prefer to use the STi IC since it has around the same flow rate of the Process West and cheaper if you can pick one up used, but I have read you have to do some fitment work for that to be an option.
  11. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    This was also on an '09, I think they've changed things just a hair since?
  12. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    You have the plastic intake manifold so it would be a PITA to make the STI TMIC work. Probably spend more money in fabrication than it is worth.

    Keep the stock IM....they have been proven to flow better than the sti IM.

    Like I said, I wouldnt even bother looking at an upgraded TMIC unless I was getting a bigger stock location turbo. Why not just get a FMIC?
  13. resynch

    resynch Supporting Member

    I have an 09 wrx and have been stage 2 for 25k miles and no issues with the stock tmic. However I do plan on "bulletproofing" my current plastic tmic for peace of mind.
  14. BmanFSU26

    BmanFSU26 Member

    I think the engine is the same in the 09 vs 13. Differences being the wide-body style, and "supposedly" changing the trans gearbox to the LGT gear sizes for durability.
  15. BmanFSU26

    BmanFSU26 Member

    I heard a FMIC is unnecessary unless you are pushing a large turbo, and will actually create turbo lag. Plus with most FMIC, the piping interferes with my Cobb intake heat shield.
  16. KGraska

    KGraska Member

    What are your future plans for the car? If stage 2 is your goal then save your money and spend it on suspension parts. Just think of all the Whiteline suspension goodies you could get for $900!!!

    If you want to upgrade the turbo eventually or go rotated then go with a FMIC. Turbo lag is pretty minimal with a quality tune, even with a smaller turbo. IMHO $900 for the PW is not worth it, the gains will be minimal and you're still going to get heat soak. You could get a used FMIC for about the same price as the PW and it will provide better cooling and help with heat soak.
  17. BmanFSU26

    BmanFSU26 Member

    Stage 2 is what I am doing now. After this just suspension, brakes ect for the foreseeable future until I can afford an internals rebuild before a larger turbo.

    The other issues that are keeping me away from FMIC is the bumper cuts, not having the bumper bar in case of an accident, and interference with my Cobb SF heatshield. Probably terrible excuses not to go FMIC, but still can't get past them.

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