2011 STI racing seats. Help me get my airbags working

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by stirhino, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. stirhino

    stirhino Member

    2011 STI. When I bought the car it already had the seats so I'm trying to get the airbags working again.

    The drivers side I think is good. The seat belt is plugged in and the airbag has a 3.3 ohm resistor that I installed.

    The passenger side is not good. The seat belt has no where to plug in and the airbag has the 3.3 ohm resistor installed. Im not sure if someone switched the passenger side seat belt out and thats why it has no where to plug in but I'm not sure.

    Here are some pictures of the plugs under the seats.

    Here is the drivers side that I think is good

    Here is the passenger side plugs grouped together and individually

    This one is probably the heater because the same plug is on the drivers side

    Airbag with 3.3 ohm

    Not sure what this plug is for??

    This one is coming from the seat beat and there is no where to plug it in??
  2. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Does Subaru still put the sub under the passenger seat? Also, how do you know which seat is not good?
  3. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    I think they did until this most recent version. So 2014 and older should have the sub plug.
  4. stirhino

    stirhino Member

    Because the passenger side seat buckle is not plugged in, so I'm sure that's it.
  5. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Is your airbag light on? The driver side airbag should still deploy if it doesn't think you have a passenger. So i don't think not having the passenger buckle hooked up would cause the airbag light to be on, it will just assume you are passenger less.
  6. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    Is there a bladder in the stock passenger seat to detect if there is a passenger or not?
  7. stirhino

    stirhino Member

    Airbag light is on and and I think the passenger buckle or something under the seat causing it. The fasten seat chime constantly goes off so it must think someone is in the car without their seatbeat on.

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