September 7th Mountain after C&O.

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Western, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    Hey guys,
    It's gotten to be a bit of a tradition after the Caffeine and Octane meet(first Sunday of the month off of Windward Parkway up 400) to do a mountain run up to Wolfpen Gap. Who's up to do it this Sunday? We'll leave around 10(or whenever we get tired of walking around looking at cars)

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  2. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    I'm down, if I can figure out where a front end wobble is coming from! :)
  3. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    nice fresh pave on 180...enjoy :naughty:
  4. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

  5. KGraska

    KGraska Member

    Thanks for organizing. I was going to post something but my car will likely be in pieces this weekend so I won't be attending.
  6. psycho_slider

    psycho_slider New Member

    im down, sounds good to me. im gonna need to make sure that ive got some spare $ for gas
  7. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    I won't be making to to C&O, but still want to join. Has anyone decided on a time and place to meet?
    Last time I went, it was the Shell down the road at 10a.
  8. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I was curious about this as well.

    I live on the way to mountains, do you guys stop for gas along GA400 for a secondary meeting point.
  9. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    If we've done it in the past months, then I'm sure we can do it this month. :) This will actually be my first time doing one of these post-C&O runs, so I'm pretty excited.
  10. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

  11. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

  12. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

  13. psycho_slider

    psycho_slider New Member

    make sure that everyone brings 21 channel radios. from my experiance its so much easier if everyone has a radio to communicate and make sure we all can stay in touch, if you dont have any they range from $35 to $60 from walmart.

    on another note, how does everyone feel about having some mazda guys tag along?

    and DUKE!!! we have met before! a few years back i sold you a helmet! its been a while!
  14. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I still have that helmet BTW... LOL
  15. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    86 Atlanta will also be going
  16. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    I would say we are in the formative stage of planning now-we have left at both 8:00a from the C&O event along with the 86 Atlanta group last time and before that at 10:00a from the Shell thats a short way down Windward Parkway on the other side of 400

    Seeing Dana's post about the 86 folks maybe we can nail down a definitive plan.

    Leaving earlier left time for an early lunch and most of the rest of the day free.
  17. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    Ok, sounds good!
    (what/who is the 86 group) <---noob
    Just trying to plan out the day
  18. KGraska

    KGraska Member

    FT86 Club for the BRZ and FRS Guys
  19. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member! thanks
  20. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    So 9am at the wa ho now? haha
  21. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    9am? Sounds good. I'm just crossing my fingers I won't suddenly be scheduled to work Sunday morning.
  22. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    So, lets say roll out from C&O around 8:00ish - its about 45m to get to the Chevron/WaHo by a little before 9:00a.
  23. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    If I don't go to C&O, where would I meet you (near windward) and at what time to join the roll out?
  24. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Although I might just roll to C&O if you guys save me a spot and tell me what time to get there.
  25. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    James, there is a separate C&O thread with that info, might check it out. The last time I got there at 6:05 and got one of the last spaces they were holding down at the northeast corner of the lot, so the earlier the better.
  26. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    5:45-6 is usually ideal

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  27. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    So I'm not gonna make it to C&O, but had fun riding up 400 with everyone last time. Any meet up location for the roll out, or should I just shoot for the chevron/Waffle House ?
  28. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    Im not sure on a first meet up location for the rollout other than C&O. We may shoot over to the Shell(?...I think) on the other side of 400. If you're in the area of Windward Parkway, just stop by around 8, and you can roll out with us then. There won't be any places to park, but we should be leaving around 8ish. I'll post up tomorrow morning around 7ish if we're going to the Shell across 400 on Windward(so right instead of left off 400N).
  29. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    Cool. That's where I met up last time I went. We parked over by the car wash at the shell. If Waffle House!
    Busy day today, so I don't want to get up early enough for C&O... :/
  30. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    I probably won't be going on the mountain run tomorrow. I've got too much to do around the house. I will be at Caffeine and octane though, just maybe not early enough to catch you guys. Drive safe!
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
  31. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    From now on, I'm gonna start calling this Caffeine, Octane, and Touge.
  32. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    I'm gonna try and be at the shell at 8
    Someone please text me if you leave earlier as I'll just continue on to chevron/waho
  33. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    No one here at shell...headed up to the other spot
  34. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Don't forget the gopro footage!!!
  35. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    ^I can't wait to see that!

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  36. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    Man, yesterday was fun!! Minus the rain towards the end, but I had a blast!
    Thanks again Chip for leading the charge, and it was good to meet everyone.
    I'll try to post up the pics and vids that got soon.
  37. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    still no vids.
  38. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    If y'all upload the photos and vids(especially the Go-Pro Footage), I could do a little video montage/compilation with some of the epic music I was listening to during the good part of the driving yesterday. Anyone interested in seeing something like that?

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  39. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    here is a pic to hold you over:

  40. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    Soon ;)
  41. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    Sounds great, I can make mine available soon.
  42. Western

    Western Supporting Member

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