2013 STi Dom 1.5 built motor by TopSpeed 330whp?

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by Rulevoid, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. If it was WG or EBSC is wouldn't make boost... the car was making and holding boost just fine.

    For sure nothing of the sort.
  2. Rulevoid

    Rulevoid Member

    Agreed. Cicio, any thoughts of a faulty slipping clutch losing power?
  3. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    You'd probably hear that from the rev's on the dyno and see it in the graph, but anything is possible
  4. Rulevoid

    Rulevoid Member

    Welp, Looks like TSM pulled through and found out the inside of the turbo was smaller on the one that was on my car than another they had in the shop. They threw on the new turbo and hit I believe 377whp on 93 and 41x on MS109. A lot closer to what I was expecting.

    Thanks TopSpeed!
  5. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Nice job TopSpeed!
  6. Holc13WRX

    Holc13WRX Supporting Member

    Nice! Glad to see topspeed got it resolved. so essentially it was a quality control issue in the factory with the dom 1.5?
  7. Rulevoid

    Rulevoid Member

    Yep, it sure sounds like it. Some of the guys on NASIOC said they have seen issues lately as well with Blouch 1.5's.
  8. benfrancis

    benfrancis Member

    Happy to hear it's fixed and ready to enjoy! I'm glad to have no problems with my dom 1.5 and hope yo don't have any more either.
  9. Holc13WRX

    Holc13WRX Supporting Member

    Wow... They really need to step up their quality control... Not every shop is going to do as much as top speed did. I'm sure there are people out there with a dom 1.5 that slipped through QC that paid $1,600 for the turbo and they are not getting what they paid for...

    Bravo to Topspeed for taking the time. I had no reservation about recommending Topspeed prior to this, but this is huge in my book.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2015
  10. Mike@TSM

    Mike@TSM Member

    Guess I'm a little late to the party ha!

    Yes, it wound up being the turbo; specifically the CHRA of the turbo did not have the normal Garrett markings on it. The compressor housing and the turbine housing were the same though.

    Glad we could get this resolved for you, Ryan! Thank you so much for your patience!
  11. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    That is pretty crazy but it makes sense now that all of the info is out there. TSM stands behind everything they do so I knew there would be a solution. I'm sure the car feels like a different animal now!

    Stuff happens and sticking with shops that have experience in making reliable power always works out in the end.
  12. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    Crazy story but a happy ending.

    Send the labor bill to Blouch? :naughty:
  13. Justin V

    Justin V Member

    Yeah glad you got it resolved but Blouch has done me wrong with some shady practices before.

    Send a 20G in for a rebuild, they charged me $600 saying it would need the shaft turned and oversized bearings.

    That engine lasted 40 mi so I pulled the turbo apart myself to clean it, hoping to only need it rebalanced, but found the scarred up shaft and standard bearings. Should have cost me half as much for that rebuild.

    Mike at blouch rebuilt it once more so it had a clean bill of health so I could sell it and go rotated, but it never should have come to that.
  14. moto96793

    moto96793 New Member

    you got a pm

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