This is going to seem like a really dumb question... but does anyone know where I can get replacement blades for my windshield wipers? I went to 2 AutoZones and an Advance Auto Parts and none of them had any that would fit. They are 21" and 17" (2004 wagon), but they have a strange width that is narrower than what these stores carry.
Actually I could use this info as well. I didn't notice that they sold me the car with a split rear wiper blade, until I had gotten home.
u need to get bosh double edge sumthing blade which is around 14 dollers each but i just got them 6 months ago and they r sexy as hell very clean and no straches.. they have a very long life it says around 5-8 years
all of the Boschs that I found were the actual blade and holder which would require re-riveting the mounts. Did you have to do that too or did you just replace the blade? If so, where did you get them?
I'll check out NAPA. Thanks Mark. I may try another autozone. Where did you go? The ones I went to were on Buford HWY and weren't all that big, so maybe there's some larger ones that will have the right size.
it's very simple change.. u change the whole blade all mounts r perfect fit like a stock wiper blade.. i didn't have any problems with it also it looks major kool..
i agree with wrxcrazy. why would you have to rerivit anything. the old assembly shoud rigtht off and the new one on the same way. if you put the arm up then pull down toward the car it should slip right off. sometimes theres a plastic c clip on it. i never replace just the blade. one slip and you bend it it doesnt wipe right.
Maybe I looked at the Assembly wrong. I'll check it out again and see what I can do about replacing the arm. *begin edit* I'm just going to replace the whole assembly with Boschs as suggested above. But when I went to pull off my old arms and couldn't remove them. I found the quick release on the back but the assembly wouldn't come free. How should these be removed? I'm sure it's simple and i'm workig too hard at it
Step back, stop thinking, and just pull :sx: You may need to push foreward and then pull. I'm not sure, but the arm itself may have a hook like end on it...
I bought the $10 knock off of the boschs (ty CHINA), and they seem decent. A ton better than my dying stockers.
conveniently after waxing my windshield I can drive down the highway with out them. That really does do wonders.