Separate names with a comma.
-2003 WRX Wagon -3,016lbs -back of wagon gutted(no trunk liner, spare,), coilovers, headers, crank pully, ACT 10lb flywheel!
My stage 2 wagon on ecnomy mod got over 30 miles to the gallon on the high way most of the time!
My wagon comes in at 3066lbs w/o my 160lb ass!
Look in your door seal!
Looks good I love the black on black!
It makes more sence when the link!! Did not there were dunes like that in GA.
I run .028 the BK7RE's! They come pre-gaped at .030
I cant wait I have always wanted a cummins truck, but this would tie into my subaru family beter!
Erz Wtf!!!!!!!!!!
I love my wagon! I would love to have a Turbo Baja!!!!!!!!!!!
NGK copper's BKR7E's (i think) Change every other oil cahnge and its not that bad to change!
Pull the rubber thing off! And then roll your fenders!
Haha never looked at it liked that! Yea I got some good deals far as exahust but eveything else is pretty normal for used stuff.
Well guys mine has picked the ladies up more than a couple of times! Ha who I am I kidding its a wagon! I did have a hot ass gril ask me if...
I still thing you can get great power out of are cars for cheap! My wagon used to be the buget build! MODS - APV1 for $300 - ERZ DP for...
Well I think for why the power with same boost is diffrent on subaru's compared to hondas is mostly due to the compresson of the motors! As far...
The KYSUBARU Club is on there WAY!
Can't wait to see the Atlanta crew again had a great time last year!
I like the S202 on wrx's but the S203 looks bad ass in that pic!
That is not good! That baby will blow up the turbo that is high EGT's