Separate names with a comma.
wagon life~
that is a camel.... where are you that there are camels and signs still in english?
photogenic... [IMG]
I guess i'm not too wild about the google+ style of circle-masking the avatar, either. My quack is cut off :(
All you GD body guys got a replacement airbag yet? I still haven't because the wait was too long when it was all going down and I had a backup...
i wonder if it has to do with the dozen of login options allowed...
Yeah, he has a couple threads of other people having a positive experience, and has an ID on here, but its 5+ years old so probably hasnt been on...
the only thing i hate so far is the date being at the bottom of the posts... -_-
updates include the following: over 250,000 miles. replaced 4 corners of stock suspension O_o, passenger rear hub bearing replaced, fuel filter...
wish the font was a little fatter...
I haven't looked at the competition that has arrived since I got this one so I don't know what to compare it to. Between the Battery and the...
update on mine. I got the capacitor one as opposed to the rechargeable battery one due to summer heat down here. The Cap life however doesnt...
Does anyone have a past good experience with someone who knows those FWD GMs fairly well? The ones with the 3.1 or 3.4 60-degree engines?
the VDC needs new ones, but i'm not sure which PN i'm looking for, or what the difference is. Halp?...
I can't deal in 'might's' for this. an increase in %10 of my insurance costs will SERIOUSLY hurt my household. my first encounter with a...
my primary concern is that all the vehicles in the house are under my coverage now, so insurance cost is paramount. this took place in Sandy...
I havent had a ticket in over 15 years, and i just got levied a 52 in a 35. at what cost threshold does one typically need a lawyer?
dusting it off again and adding stuffs. NEW The police had my car towed because it was blocking traffic. Now what? If you're blocking...
well, in my case its not shared, 4eat and all...
i ask because the manual show 80w/90 for front and rear diffs...