Separate names with a comma.
Since many of you seem to be much deeper into the networking side of computers than I am, I thought I would ask you guys this. I need several...
I am going to be running a Terraria server after the new update comes out. Is anyone interested in playing on it. The server supports up to 8...
Ok, I am going to rant about Diablo 3 and the things wrong with it. I don't expect you guys to agree with me. These are my opinions and thoughts....
This game just came out of beta today. I have been playing it some and have really enjoyed it as a change of pace to the CoD/BF3 style shooters....
Have any of you ever special ordered a new car? I am specifically wondering about doing it with Subaru. Are there any questions I should ask?
the King. That is all. He was headed up I-75N this evening. I wonder where he was off to...
How many of you would be interested in this? There is a new track that opened up recently that I had a hand in building. It is an electric only...
Some one hit my car while I was at work today. Someone from one of the other stores gave me some info about the person and told me about it. I am...
I didn't know where else to put this but I thought the Mac user's among us would like it....
Who wants to give me a hand? I want to get this done next weekend while I am off. Saturday the 31st is the day. Who wants in and has a garage to...
Yes folks, the RX-8 is gone and I am back in a Subaru. I just bought a 2008 Silver STI from Subaru of Kennesaw. I pick her up Monday evening....
Has anyone dealt with them? I emailed them out of the blue on a car they had. It was an STI and I still can't afford one but I mentioned in the... Blizzard is awesome. I just get off of Warcrack and SC2 is due by years end. Then when I get myselff off of Starcrack it will...
I was driving through a friends apartment complex and saw a STi with what looked like Prodrive P7's. It was Post Valley Aparments on South Cobb...
I am bouncing around some ideas and I wanted to know if SoG is still offering cars at invoice if we bring in our printed out WRXAtlanta profile....
Hello Everyone. I am sorry to report that a scooby is down for the count in the SE. I had an accident on Thurday night/Friday morning. My car...
Hey i need some help here. My girlfriend has a sunroof in her car. She bought the car used and the previous owner put a sunroof in a car that...
In case some of you don't make it to NASIOC here is the big Dragon meet. Looks to be the first weekend in June....
I just had the 04 Prodrive springs installed on my car. I love these things so far. So far the ride is better than stock IMO. Handling is improved...