got some in my mouth as well. and down my pants :P all over my face.
i got some on the helmet.
nice pics.
track day turned into rally day. :P it was a blast.
it was more like 1st gear pull. us awd launches would have killed everyone.
about 60' j shaped...
yeah i did i wasnt gonna say anything but since you brought it up... dayum. joo gots pwned~! lol j/k he was blockin you and you coudnt...
may be sti.. i dunno...
i'll be there with a miata?
tonite? :gaysex:
didnt you get the car to save some $$ on gas and maintenance on yer suby? the way youve been doing drifts i dont think yous gonna save any...
well... we do mt runs/trackdays/autox. not to mention ricer fly bys... and we often race on tracks like 85, 400, 75, occasionally 285. :P...
alright guys stop making fun of my car/engine. :( i thought you guys would understand a piece of art. :(
say like "my toilet is broken can i use yours ?" then walk in and search the house.
good looking guy.... id do him :P
or taking a dump.
the asian makes everything better. :P i cant see them pics at school :(
i use it and its da shit~! ive used 4-5 different tpypes of premium synthetic oils but this one is #1 on the list. i used to have sticky...
^ something you dont wanna know... sausage party. hey jake the $$ you owe me for my adaptor and the lunch you can have that as my b'day gift...
i should be able to make it to this...
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