I'm bringing a couple cases of water and some chips. If I have time in the morning I'll grab some ice.
Rome JP and I are meeting at the Home Depot parking lot across from the outlets at 6:45
Congrats on the bike! I finally bought a bike last summer after wanting one for years. Have fun, stay safe!
I'll be there
I got the day off work so I could come out to AMP and watch too
Really nice work! It looks brand new. For future reference, what are his rates?
Sounds good JP, let me know what time and where. I'm located 4 miles south of the outlets right off 400 so there are many places we could meet up...
Congrats! We'll have to meet up one day so I can check it out, I want to see the Opel too!
I'm 99% going. JP want to meet up on the way?
Ya, I didn't think he was flushed but wingless with a few stickers. Only car I've seen around that's remotely close to the description that was...
Ya, I'm in the 05 that's in the lot every day. I've been meaning to stop by one day, I just never want to stick around the mall lol
Ya that's the one I was talking about I believe. I've never talked to the guy but he works over at Nike.
More then likely me, there is a wingless 06/07 around too.
Beautiful GT! Where are you located? It sounds like you live close to me. I'm on the border of Cumming and Dawsonville, about 4 miles south of the...
I think I'm going to order one very soon, I've also seen people retrofit the LGT controls instead of having the ugly silver switch covers or if I...
Larger selection here but you have to pay for shipping from Japan http://www.avojdm.com/index.php?cPath=65
You get get a DAMD for $539-559 from SMY http://www.smyperformance.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=DAMD+D-Shaped+Steering+Wheels+for+Subaru+WRX
If I do both, anything else you recommend at the same time? Suspension is 100% stock with whiteline rear diff bushings. Any thoughts on the wheel...
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