i got a complete refurbed long block from a place in gainsville for @950 out the door a few years back for my 91 miata. i can't remember the name...
location @ 10 minutes away from SoG
was just looking at the forecast and they are saying we may get an inch or two of snow. i happen to have permission to "play" in a large private...
what all is accomplished when drinking? (other than drinking on install days!)
+1 for legalization....far safer than boo's
i got mine like a minute after i sent it, i just used it and had no problems at all...but you do have to show them id....hahaha
yo, a friend just forwarded this to me....thought i would pass it on. fill it out, takes less than a minute and they email you a coupon for a...
2nd dibs on harness bar if it falls through
looks fun! that looks like old suwannee creek?
o shit daWG! you gotz dat mad tyte jDm VTEKKK scOOtr!
i think its just that you are vTeC hater yo!
this bike looks sweeet, i sat on one today at the dealership. cant go wrong with a honda bike, i have had great luck out of several cbr's
im interested in a track spot depending on a date
if i were you i would just go ahead and buy the crystal ones off ebay with the corners. i got a set for like 160 bucks shipped to my house and...
its made out of 14gauge steel, i have almost finished making another one out of aluminum, but i dont think that it would withstand road conditions...
Well i got bored at work today and decided to play around with making my own rear diffuser. I had given some thought to retrofitting an 06 model...
i will be there
today is my 21st birthday!!!! woot for big party with many half naked chicks
i want to buy it!
im in
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