Separate names with a comma.
+1 +RSVP 1 Medium Matt - can you send me a calendar invite so I don't forget this one? ;-)
w00t w00t! Congrats to WRXAtlanta! :wiggle: If it wasn't for this place - there's no telling where I'd be living at the moment...
Hey - add me to that list :asshole: This is my annual login so I had to get in somewhere. You can now return to your regularly scheduled...
Holy shit...I need to get some of this for my
That was probably me... One of my business partners lives just past there (East of 29) in Sarann Woods or whatever it is.
It was those or a flopping cock - take your pick! The rest was in the laundry... And yeah - drove about 350 miles yesterday in the...
I'm a 16th kinda guy...
Haha - yeah - I'm definitely game as is Steven... Oh and guys - sorry - but the waitress Matt was talking about is no longer working there...sad...
Yeah - the Tilt has several issues... Get the 8310 - phenomenal phone! My only recommendation from personal use is get a 2nd battery... That or...
Alright - getting the girlfriend to get my camera for me (I'm too lazy to move at the moment - working on some stuff - :D) - I'll try to see if I...
Heh - I'm kinda feelin this... But ya - definitely think a standard pullover hoodie might be a little better - I dunno - it could just be the...
Matt - who wants to see you? Psh Yuck! Although, I will admit there has to be some irony in seeing the black station wagon and not the bright...
And Miranda Lambert? Bah - stick to Taco Mac or Mazzy's or something... Taco Mac's food isn't that good - but huge selection of beers at a good...
I wonder how many miles it's got on it...
Maybe if you could spell "allowed" correctly they would let you... I dunno - you should go ask your local English teacher who you should talk to...
Wow - that color is HOT...and that engine just looks like sex...yum! What color code is that? Looks similar to the color I'm painting my truck...
wrong thread ;) Check out the front plate thread... We're all still waiting on answers...
Matt - you need to update the thread to include Mazzy's and then Taco Mac... Especially Mazzy's We gotta hook our girl Brooke up!
Aye... I got a ticket for my other one covering the date and such...dick... So Alex - any update?
*poke poke* Black left eh? My wagon's crying without one... and I posted back on Page 11 ;)...